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"Starfleet, we have a problem"?

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"Starfleet, we have a problem"?



Red alert! “Star Trek” is under attack, and the damage report is far from promising. Is it time to put the Starship Enterprise into dry-dock for good, or is there still some speed left in those warp engines after all?


OVER THE YEARS, the TV universe has become a far more crowded place, and “Trek” isn’t the only smart, entertaining sci-fi series on the air anymore. Yes, “Babylon 5,” “Roswell,” “Farscape” and “Stargate SG-1” owe much of their success to the trail that Trek blazed, but, even as they pay homage, they’re eroding the cult of Star Trek with their very existence.

       Increased competition for audience share-of-mind notwithstanding, Trek’s latest incarnation, “Enterprise,” is up against an unprecedented number of disgruntled fans.

       Much of the venom — including an online petition to have him replaced — has been directed at longtime Trek executive producer Rick Berman, who picked up the mantle from creator Gene Roddenberry and has guided every series and movie from “The Next Generation” forward.

       And it’s not just fans who think Trek is in trouble: In July, video game manufacturer Activision filed suit against media giant Viacom, claiming that the company let its Trek franchise “stagnate and decay.” Viacom disputed the claims, but the charges struck a collective chord with fans. Trek, they say, is off track.




All this fervor from relatively modest beginnings: “Star Trek,” the original series that ran from 1966 to 1969 and eventually spawned a kajillion-dollar industry - and launched TV sequels, movies, and a barrage of merchandise, from books to action figures, toy phasers to lunch boxes - started as a low-budget hour that lasted only 80 episodes.

       In the original “Trek,” brash and dashing Captain James T. Kirk, logical Vulcan Mr. Spock, and crotchety Doctor “Bones” McCoy led a crew of intrepid explorers across the galaxy, encountering new species and - in Kirk’s case - making out with them. The show was able to deal with controversial issues such as war, racism and drugs by dressing the turbulent topics up in alien costumes - and confusing network censors.

       Post-cancellation, Trek gained momentum, and “Star Trek: The Next Generation” followed in 1987, some 18 years after the first series transported off the air.

After a shaky start, “TNG” reinvigorated the franchise, launched four flicks (so far), and firmly entrenched characters like gabby Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Klingon-with-a-heart-of-gold Lt. Worf, android Lt. Commander Data, and empathic Counselor Deanna Troi into the pop culture pantheon.

       A spate of movies featuring the original Enterprise crew followed, then another stab at Trek TV. Launched in 1993 and commanded by Trek’s first captain of color, “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” was the brooding tale of a Federation space station parked at the edge of a wormhole, an outer space express lane to the far reaches of the universe.

       Early episodes of “DS9” may have been fundamentally flawed because the show’s premise forced stories to come to the stark and industrial space station, rather than following the Trek tradition of exploring new worlds. In the third season, though, the show added a high-tech warship called the Defiant to the mix, and the franchise resumed its proactive pursuit of new worlds, characters and plots. The next series, “Star Trek: Voyager,” about a crew’s journey to find its way home from the deepest recesses of space, introduced Trek’s first female captain. It took seven years, but the U.S.S. Voyager finally asked directions and made it back to Earth, although not before it began to show signs that the franchise was running out of creative gas.

       And now, “Enterprise,” a prequel that follows the crew of the Starship Enterprise as they explore papier mache worlds and seek out new, mostly human-looking civilizations - for the very first time.

       UPN made a lot of hoopla over the tweaks producers made to the show’s third season: bigger crises, higher stakes, tighter costumes. But will they be enough to enthrall a new generation of Trekkers - and, more importantly, the millions of people who don’t know a Tribble from a transporter?




We don’t have the luxury of being safe or cautious anymore,” growls Scott Bakula’s Captain Archer in the new season’s opening minutes. That might very well be the series’ clarion call as well.

       The rework of “Enterprise” is a giant leap forward toward fending off the most hideous villain the Trek franchise has ever faced: irrelevance. But to succeed, the Enterprise needs an even more intensive tune-up. Life signs are faint, but with a little ingenuity, producers can repair Roddenberry’s baby before it gets sucked into the black hole of audience apathy.

*Turn the action up to 11: Trek fans may stay for the thinly veiled commentary on society, but they come for the sci-fi action. The talky, preachy “Deep Space Nine” worked best when intergalactic war broke out and Lt. Worf, the angry Klingon, was brought in to rejuvenate the fourth season. Kick some alien butt already! The “new” “Enterprise” has already upped the action (with the addition of a new military assault command) and sex (with a steamy, topless Vulcan massage session), but there’s more work to be done.

*Give viewers new characters to care about: Every Trek had its standout characters, and they all seem to be variations on the “fish out of water” theme. Besides the classic “I’ll never understand you illogical humans” bemusement of Mr. Spock, the biggest breakouts so far have been Data and Worf on “TNG” (and, to a lesser extent, the holographic Doctor and Borg babe Seven of Nine on “Voyager”). All were trying to get by in a world that’s unfamiliar and difficult to navigate. That’s speaking to the inner nerd in all of us. Keep ‘em coming.

*New villains: Not every alien race can possibly look exactly like a human with blue paint and a ridge above their nose. Let loose the computer-generated baddies, guys! The rework of “Enterprise” has indeed added a few CG characters (most notably the insect-like Xindi), but there’s room for a bunch more in the Trek universe.

*Laugh it up: The best-received movie of the franchise has been “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home,” where Kirk and crew cracked wise and in return gained legions of new fans. (Who can forget Chekov looking for his “nuclear wessels”?) Sure, there’s a place for dark, brooding characters and plots in a Trek TV series, but today’s audiences, weaned on genre-crossing fare like “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Angel,” expect a blend of compelling storylines and heartfelt drama lightened by clever, character-driven humor.

*Beam somebody up, Scotty: Speaking of Kirk and company, a visit from time-traveling William Shatner would do wonders to cement the new series as a successor worthy of carrying on the Trek name. Each of the other series saw plenty of crossover action. DeForest Kelley’s Dr. McCoy, now a retired admiral, showed up for “The Next Generation’s” maiden voyage. And Armin Shimerman, “DS9’s” gruff-but-lovable Ferengi Quark, paid a visit to “Voyager.” Through the magic of special effects, the “Deep Space Nine” crew even popped in on an actual episode of the original series. When will one of the old favorites beam onto this Enterprise?

*Give up control. Hand over a movie to an established director who can bring new fans to the franchise. Geeks and non-geeks alike would sell their own mothers to see what David Fincher, Joss Whedon, Christopher Nolan or Stephen Spielberg would do with the keys to the Enterprise. And how about asking Stephen King or William Gibson to pen a TV script, as both did with “The X-Files”?

*Get a catchphrase. “Beam me up, Scotty,” “He’s dead, Jim,” “Resistance is futile,” and “Make it so” have all made their way into non-Trek conversations. Let’s hear some new verbal gems. Of course, some catchphrases are assimilated into the lexicon more quickly than others. So while “I canna change the laws of physics!” made it, others may never catch on. (Just a tip: Potential bon mots like “Boy, am I hungry. Space hungry!” “Whatchyou talkin’ ‘bout, Subcommander T’Pol?” or “Dude, where’s my spaceship?” probably don’t stand a chance.)

*Don’t be stingy with the new technology. Let’s see some new inventions people can chat about around the water cooler. Trek has introduced plenty of cool new gadgets and gizmos over the years: Cloaking devices, holodecks, doors that open with a sssshhhhh sound. More, please.

*Turn the Trek universe on its pointy ear. Finally, do something — anything — to get back on the general public’s radar screen. Reinvent the franchise. Sign a big star to lead the next TV series. Wake up and smell the dilithium crystals: It’s been years since “Saturday Night Live” and its ilk have bothered to parody “Star Trek” and its once-obsessive fans. The fact that nobody even makes fun of it anymore is a clear indicator that the franchise’s image needs a boost.

       Is there hope to save Star Trek? The sooner producers boldly go where successful action shows have gone before, the less likely “Enterprise” will fizzle — ensuring that the Trek franchise will, to quote a beloved Trek character, live long and prosper.

       Set a course, Mr. Berman. Warp factor nine



What are your feelings on this?



Master Q

Edited by master_q

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Unfortunately I agree with the article........Enterprise has a great deal of competition. The new season is better than previous ones.......But I personally still do not find Enterprise as interesting as TOS, TNG or Voyager. :laugh:

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I disagree with the article, just another example of some critic taking the bashing of ENT and following the crowd without thinking it through and preferring to accentuate the negative whether its true or not.


The rework of “Enterprise” is a giant leap forward toward fending off the most hideous villain the Trek franchise has ever faced: irrelevance. But to succeed, the Enterprise needs an even more intensive tune-up. Life signs are faint, but with a little ingenuity, producers can repair Roddenberry’s baby before it gets sucked into the black hole of audience apathy.

*Turn the action up to 11: Trek fans may stay for the thinly veiled commentary on society, but they come for the sci-fi action.


They've done that and still the gripers gripe. The gripers are the most hideous villain the Trek franchise has ever faced. Treks own are going to be responsible for it's down fall.


*Give viewers new characters to care about: Every Trek had its standout characters, and they all seem to be variations on the “fish out of water” theme. Besides the classic “I’ll never understand you illogical humans” bemusement of Mr. Spock, the biggest breakouts so far have been Data and Worf on “TNG” (and, to a lesser extent, the holographic Doctor and Borg babe Seven of Nine on “Voyager”). All were trying to get by in a world that’s unfamiliar and difficult to navigate. That’s speaking to the inner nerd in all of us. Keep ‘em coming.


What do they want, another Mr. Spock? I don't, I want new and fresh and I get that with the whole group, especially T Pol. She's different, she works because we've never had a starring female Vulcan before. She is a fish out of water from what we expected but still the gripers gripe.


*New villains: Not every alien race can possibly look exactly like a human with blue paint and a ridge above their nose. Let loose the computer-generated baddies, guys! The rework of “Enterprise” has indeed added a few CG characters (most notably the insect-like Xindi), but there’s room for a bunch more in the Trek universe.


We have this now but they still gripe: "but there’s room for a bunch more in the Trek universe. See there, in the same paragraph.


*Beam somebody up, Scotty: Speaking of Kirk and company, a visit from time-traveling William Shatner would do wonders to cement the new series as a successor worthy of carrying on the Trek name. Each of the other series saw plenty of crossover action. DeForest Kelley’s Dr. McCoy, now a retired admiral, showed up for “The Next Generation’s” maiden voyage. And Armin Shimerman, “DS9’s” gruff-but-lovable Ferengi Quark, paid a visit to “Voyager.” Through the magic of special effects, the “Deep Space Nine” crew even popped in on an actual episode of the original series. When will one of the old favorites beam onto this Enterprise?


This is supposedly in the works but the gripers will find something to gripe about if it happens. On a thread about this topic here at STF.N, I am guilty of griping about something. Bashing ENT can become a spreading disease from which none are immune.


*Give up control. Hand over a movie to an established director who can bring new fans to the franchise. Geeks and non-geeks alike would sell their own mothers to see what David Fincher, Joss Whedon, Christopher Nolan or Stephen Spielberg would do with the keys to the Enterprise. And how about asking Stephen King or William Gibson to pen a TV script, as both did with “The X-Files”?


Ok, new territory here but the catch is getting cheap Paramount/Viacom to come across with the cash to do it. Given the budgets for ENT B&B are doing bang up jobs, imo.


*Get a catchphrase. “Beam me up, Scotty,” “He’s dead, Jim,” “Resistance is futile,” and “Make it so” have all made their way into non-Trek conversations. Let’s hear some new verbal gems. Of course, some catchphrases are assimilated into the lexicon more quickly than others. So while “I canna change the laws of physics!” made it, others may never catch on. (Just a tip: Potential bon mots like “Boy, am I hungry. Space hungry!” “Whatchyou talkin’ ‘bout, Subcommander T’Pol?” or “Dude, where’s my spaceship?” probably don’t stand a chance.)


In Anomaly, Trip says he needs 30 minutes to start the engines. That is a direct reference to Scotty saying: I canna change the laws of physics! But do the gripers notice it; H E double hockey sticks NO! Bravo ENT!


*Turn the Trek universe on its pointy ear. Finally, do something — anything — to get back on the general public’s radar screen. Reinvent the franchise. Sign a big star to lead the next TV series. Wake up and smell the dilithium crystals: It’s been years since “Saturday Night Live” and its ilk have bothered to parody “Star Trek” and its once-obsessive fans. The fact that nobody even makes fun of it anymore is a clear indicator that the franchise’s image needs a boost.


ENT does this in just about every way while at the same time being very familiar and paying homage to TOS but [most] old-timers are to busy griping to notice. Stay sharp true fans, the new enemy comes from within and a more dangerous group we have never dealt with.

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This article has some good points but others won't work. Here are my takes on some of the ideas


- new technologies? How does that work? IT'S A PREQUEL. They can't go nuts with new and cool inventions because they won't fit into the timeline.


-Enteprise can't really be funny like Star Trek 4, I don't think anyone can. By that time the TOS crew was well established having done 3 movies and the show but they also had the chemistry to pull it off.


-crossovers aren't to bad but it would be difficult because we've never been in this timeline before so we don't know what could be crossed over onto the show


-sign a big star? That would be difficult since stars tend to avoid Star Trek.


-caring about the characters is at the heart of every trek spinoff but its not instant. It takes more than 2 years. How many people cried when Yar died in the first season? I didn't. But after 15 years, how many cried when Data died in Nemesis. I did. Why? because I cared about Data but this caring came from a long history with the character. Same with Spock. No one cries for red shirts.


-I don't mind the idea of some famous writers and producers taking over but you also have to point out that Berman learned straight from Roddenberry and giving up control could take trek away from what it is.


-Anyone, notice that the author says that Enterprise has to go where successful action shows have gone before. One problem, at its core Star Trek is not action. it's sci-fi with its characters at the very core and hope for our future, that we'll one day get over all of our problems.


-what the heck do we care if weren't not getting made fun of? I don't really care what others think of Star Trek. I know a lot of people who don't like it but it doesn't affect my enjoyment. And hey, all the publicity Enterprise has been getting in the media about how bad it is isn't a bad thing. Someone is taking the time to criticize it and heck, it could attract more people to Enterprise to see what's up.


What Enterprise needs to do is move onto another network, a stronger network 9i don't know much about UPN but it appears to be pretty bad) and put itself in a new time slot with little competition, build a base that will follow it. What network does Stargate air on in the U.S., I mean new ones? What about putting them together on the same night. And promote! I live in Canada but the network that airs Enteprise is pretty good but it should promote more. Those are just my thoughts.

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Unfortunately I agree with the article........Enterprise has a great deal of competition.  The new season is better than previous ones.......But I personally still do not find Enterprise as interesting as TOS, TNG or Voyager. :laugh:

My thoughts exactly.I want to say more,but I have a cold coming on (I wasn't sure this morning,but I am now...I feel terrible :dude: ),and at the moment my mind is a pool of mud.Sorry...

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I have to agree if they would just put enterprise on a different station it would do so much better. Not everybody has upn it took my area forever to get it and it is still not even all upn as it is being spawnserd by the cbs station in the area so if a sports game is on on the time enterprise is sorry its sports time. So yea putting it on sifi would be cool as sifi really does not play much in the way of sifi anyway.

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ENTERPRISE should move to the SCI-FI channel, where it'd thrive with STARGATE SG-1.  Then it could be syndicated on UPN, so people without cable (like me) could watch the show. :saintdevil:

I wouldn't be so sure about that, CJLP. Sci-fi killed Farscape...

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