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Captain Holland

Ever been shot, and survived?

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I was just wondering if anyone has gotten shot and survived? Well of coarse you would have survived if you were reading, anyway what's your story?

Edited by Captain Holland

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As a matter of fact yes. In the right hand by a BB gun. :bow: Have you been shot?


I've had far worse luck with motorcycles, I almost lost a leg but I'm better now.

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As a matter of fact yes. In the right hand by a BB gun. :bow: Have you been shot?


I've had far worse luck with motorcycles, I almost lost a leg but I'm better now.

No, never been shot, but I have shot a 22 rifle, and a 12 gauge shotgun.

Edited by Captain Holland

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Never been shot. Never seen anyone shot, except on TV. Never fired a gun. (Do believe in the right to keep and bear arms.)

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I have an insanely painful hole in my side from surgery last month.  Does that count? :bow:

Not unless the surgery was a result of getting shot.

Well, my appendix burst, and I stummbled arround for half a day after, not knowing it burst, thinking it was just inflamed... Is that close enough? :bow:

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I have an insanely painful hole in my side from surgery last month.  Does that count? :bow:

Not unless the surgery was a result of getting shot.

Well, my appendix burst, and I stummbled arround for half a day after, not knowing it burst, thinking it was just inflamed... Is that close enough? :bow:

No, fraid not. You would have had to gotten shot with a firearm.

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Yes here too, I was shot with a BB Gun as a kid. In the leg. I didn't survive though... :bow:



You didn't, must be your ghost who wrote this. :(



As for firearms, I've never been shot by one (BB Guns aren't firearms even though they can just as easily kill) but I have fired many many different firearms.


The first time I shot a firearm was probably when I was 6 or 7 years old. The last time I've shot one (so far) was New Years 2000. I shot a fully loaded .357 Magnum while my father shot an M1 Carbine into the ground to ring in the new century/millenium. Our ears were ringing for quite some time afterwards lol


That 357 has A LOT of kick, it's a BIG gun!

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went paintballing without goggles and a helmet once, and took a paintball in the eye. this most usually causes blindness, but thankfully is still have full eyesight. but thats it. other than paintball guns, ive never shot a gun in my life.

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I am a survivor of numerous bb gun wounds....

the most painful was a shot I took to my thumb.I had my thumb over the barrel,while I was trying to check the safety or something and the gun fired.Hurt like $#@!,but it didn't break the skin....I was about 10-years old at the time.I also nearly lost an eye (the left) as a result of a bb gun.One of my brothers was goofing off with his daisy bb rifle and fired a shot at hit just to the side of my eye.again,it didn't break the skin,but it hurt plenty.As i recall,my dad busted that bb gun over his knee and then did the same to the brother in question...i enjoyed that :devil:

There are others,I'm sure.But no more come to mind at the moment.

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I have an insanely painful hole in my side from surgery last month.  Does that count? :bow:

Not unless the surgery was a result of getting shot.

Well, my appendix burst, and I stummbled arround for half a day after, not knowing it burst, thinking it was just inflamed... Is that close enough? :bow:

No, fraid not. You would have had to gotten shot with a firearm.

Well, I just didn't want to be left out... :(

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I have an insanely painful hole in my side from surgery last month.  Does that count? :bow:

Not unless the surgery was a result of getting shot.

Well, my appendix burst, and I stummbled arround for half a day after, not knowing it burst, thinking it was just inflamed... Is that close enough? :bow:

No, fraid not. You would have had to gotten shot with a firearm.

Well, I just didn't want to be left out... :(


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I also nearly lost an eye (the left) as a result of a bb gun.One of my brothers was goofing off with his daisy bb rifle and fired a shot at hit just to the side of my eye.

I guess Ralphie's mother was'll shoot your eye out. Sorry, I couldn't resist.


My brother let me fire his pistol once when he was doing target practice. But the closest I came to being wounded by a gun was firing a bb gun without cocking it all the way. Thirty years later and I still have the scars.

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I guess Ralphie's mother was'll shoot your eye out.  Sorry, I couldn't resist. 

:bow: I love that movie!

No.I've never been shot,but I have survived an horrific traffic accident.About ten years ago,the police were pursuing a stolen motorcycle and the motorcycle shot through an intersection against the red light and caused a truck to swerve (avoiding the motorcycle) but slamming into the time I drove an AMC Pacer (yeah,you can laugh...but I loved that little car).The impact destroyed my car,and I was hospitilized and had to undergo surgery.I lost my spleen,had to have my pelvis re-set (it was broken clean in two),and underwent months of rehab just to learn how to walk again.It was a low point in my life.But my faith in God,my family,and friends pulled me through.

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Well actually yeh i have.Besides getting shot with a BB gun(havent we all :bow: ) i was shot in the right shoulder with a 22 once.


Me,my uncle and some friends were out shooting in this pit once were there a bunch of old wreck cars.We were shotting the cars just for something to do.Well my friend was shooting and I was on the hood of another car eating a sandwich.He shot this one car and the bullet ricoshayed(i know i spelled that wrong) and hit me in the shoulder.They took me to the hosbitial were they removed the bullet.Luckily no major damage was done.Though i do have a scar.

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I've been shot at, I believe the guy had a 38.,luckly for me he was drunk and missed. he fired about 4 rounds in my direction,one round did hit a tree as I dived behind it.

We were at a party and for some reason he just did not like the way I looked (Called me a (I'm trying to misspell a badword but can't)ing hippie freak) when he grabbed his gun I was out the door at a dead (no pun intended) run heading for the woods. he fired those 4 rounds before other party goers grabbed him and took the gun away. I was not shot but it was damn close.

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A little off-topic but I read once if someone is trying to kidnap you at gunpoint it is better to run. People only hit a moving target 4 times out of 10 and then it isn't always a fatal shot. That's much better than your odds will be if you go with them.

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