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Alcohol and Alligators DO NOT mix

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A Florida teen has lost his arm, but not his spirit, after an alligator attacked him Sunday during an early morning swim in a Florida canal.


Kasey Edwards, 18, of Okeechobee, Fla., lost his left arm after grappling with the 11-foot long alligator in a canal at 2 a.m. Sunday.


Edwards admits he and his friends were drinking before he decided to jump in the 25-foot-deep canal in Nubbin Slough in Okeechobee County


Edwards told that he wants the state to do more to control the alligator population, citing the safety of young children, but he declined to discuss his own encounter further.


I love that last part - let's kill all the gator so drunken embeciles can dive into canals in the middle of the night.

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