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The Animal Quiz

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You're a Butterfly!




Fragile and beautiful, you work as a good-luck charm for those around you. People are always happy to see you and sometimes beseech you to reach out to them as a blessing for their day. Though you are proud of your reputation, you strive not to forget your own humble beginnings and remember that not so long ago, everyone looked down on you. All you can do is appreciate the metamorphosis you made now that you're on its good side. You adore stained-glass windows.


The Animal Quiz

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You\'re a Gila Monster!

While you like to wear bright and discordant clothing to warn people that you can be dangerous when provoked, most people merely take it to mean you have terrible fashion sense. You try not to care what they think, as you\'d rather be on your own, looking around at bugs and rodents. Yes, you\'re a bit eccentric, though you really resent some of the names you\'ve come to be known by. While many folks don\'t look for you at all, kids expect to see you at the airport.

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You're a Rat!

You're a little bit dirty and a little bit mean. More likely than those around you to betray your friends' secrets, no one really seems to trust you very much. Your clothes tend to be old and disheveled and even torn up. The good news is that when danger is coming, you're the first to know and start planning a wise escape. 1996 was really your year.

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You're an Eagle!

Sharp-witted and high-flying, you seem to radiate honor and a sense of pride. You'd make a very good lawyer with your keen eye for details. When up in that rare air, however, make sure to remember to look down to keep your bearings. You never know when it might be important for you to have landed. If you're bald, you love the United States of America, but if you have hair, you feel more ambivalent about it.

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You're a Spider!

It seems like you have eyes in the back of your head sometimes, and

you have an uncanny knack for creeping people out with that ability. You really

enjoy eating wraps, though you like them even more if you made them yourself. You

work tirelessly so that you can eat, but are good at getting rid of annoyances for

other people. There's always just a little more drama than necessary when you're

around. Oh, what tangled webs you weave!

Take the Animal Quiz

at the Blue Pyramid.





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You're a Goose!

Most folks think you're silly, but those who know you best realize that you can be quite serious and even vicious! You remind people of dinosaurs with your stately gait and strange way of staring them down. People also associate you with pillows and other elements of their bedding, but this just makes you shudder. If you're from Canada, you've really been bugging people lately. What's in the bag?

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You're a Hyena!

You have quite a sense of humor, though many others find it derisive rather than appealing. You are perceived as being a coward, but actually have moments of great bravery and have even stood up to those much larger than yourself. You like hanging out in groups and are always making a lot of noise. Disney thinks you are an idiot.



I'm not sure I like all of the above, but I guess I'll just have to laugh it off. :RC: :)

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You're a Butterfly!

Fragile and beautiful, you work as a good-luck charm for those around you. People are always happy to see you and sometimes beseech you to reach out to them as a blessing for their day. Though you are proud of your reputation, you strive not to forget your own humble beginnings and remember that not so long ago, everyone looked down on you. All you can do is appreciate the metamorphosis you made now that you're on its good side. You adore stained-glass windows.

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You're a Cat!

Sometimes fat, sometimes in the alley, you are always cool. You often stray from the norm, but you're also willing to stay inside the house if it's nice enough there. Even if you're female, people always assume you're male when discussed in conversation. In spite of yourself, litter seems to follow you around almost wherever you go. Your favorite US president is James A. Garfield. You're most fun when wearing a hat.

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