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Session 6

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I looked over a PM that I received from Ddillard that contains the transcript from the Star Trek Trivia session that we had in the chat room, but when I looked at it more then half of it was cut off. Hopefully, I will be able to receive the full transcript. If not, then we will have to look into other options that I used in the past when something like this happened.



Master Q

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(Right now I’m in the process of reviewing and adding up everyone’s points for this trivia session)


Session 6 Questions:


Q1: What Dominion species supervises the Jem’Hadar?

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Answer: Vorta



Q2: What was forbidden on Nimbus III?

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Answer: Weapons (the planet in The Final Frontier)



Q3: Name two of the three crew members that rescued Voyager in Basics, Part II.

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Answer: Paris, The Doctor, Lon Suder



Q4: What was Lwaxana’s valet?

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Answer: Mr. Homn



Q5: (Follow up to Q4) If you remember one time Picard brought a bottle of alcohol for a dinner with Lwaxana (but he thought he would not be alone and others would be joining. . . ) what happened to that bottle? . . .

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Answer: Mr. Homn, with his very impressive capacity for intoxicating beverages drank it all



Q6: The usual shape of a Borg vessel is what?

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Answer: Cube



Q7: Who did Gul Dukat blame for the death of his father? (FULL NAME!)

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Answer: Elim Garak



Q8: Who is assigned to train some disorderly Maquis crew members in the finer points of Starfleet protocol and discipline? (Referring the VOY)

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Answer: Tuvok



Q9: Which crew members joined the Enterprise-D at Farpoint Station? (total of 4)

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Answer: Riker, La Forge, Crusher, & Wesley



Q10: Name the governing group of the Federation.

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Answer: The Federation Council



Q11: In Generations, who died preventing the deaths of 230 million people?

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Answer: James T Kirk



Q12: True or False: The Dominion used genetic engineering on the Vorta and the Jem’Hadar.

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Answer: True



Q13: What is the Ferengi home-world called?

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Answer: Ferenginar



Q14: Who decided to start a school aboard DS9? (FULL NAME!)

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Answer: Keiko O’Brien



Q15: What did Kirk say is the most important reason for climbing a mountain?

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Answer: "Because it's there"



Q16: Who commanded the station during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor

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Answer: Gul Dukat



Q17: Name Captain Picard’s brother (FULL NAME!)

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Answer: Robert Picard



Q18: Name Wesley Crusher’s father (FULL NAME!)

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Answer: Jack Crusher



Q19: What kind of animal appeared to Yar in Where No One Has Gone Before?

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Answer: Cat



Q20: Who was the only person besides Data who Spot liked? (FULL NAME!)

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Answer: Reginald Barclay



Q21: Into what did Spot regress in Genesis?

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Answer: Iguana



Q22: Picard has an artificial what?

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Answer: Heart



Q23: By what title did Picard frequently address Riker?

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Answer: Number One



Q24: Identify The Episode: Harry Kim falls in love with a holodeck character and asks Tuvok for help in controlling his emotions. Tuvok becomes involved with the holodeck woman only to find she is a proxy for a lonely alien woman.

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Alter Ego



Q25: Identify The Episode: The Doctor tampers with his hologrammatic matrix to introduce a little excitement into his personality and the result is deadly.

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Answer: Darkling




Master Q

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Session 6 Points


























Good Job Everyone!

This upcoming Friday I’ll include these points in your net score



Master Q

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