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Choir Director Brings Prayer For Lower Gas Prices To SF

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Choir director brings prayers for lower gas prices to SF


Posted: 2008-04-27 19:14:42

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A choir director who hopes prayer can bring down high gas prices is trying out his approach at some of the costliest pumps in the country.


Rocky Twyman of Washington, D.C., came to San Francisco over the weekend to stage a pray-in at a Chevron station. He is also calling on churchgoers to ask for God's intervention where he says politicians have failed.


Gas costing $4 a gallon or more has become common around the San Francisco Bay area.


The 59-year-old Twyman says people praying for cheaper fuel should also walk more and use car pools.


Twyman also works as a community organizer and public relations consultant. He has led campaigns to nominate Oprah Winfrey for the Nobel Peace Prize and to encourage African Americans to donate bone marrow.


Well, I guess anythings worth a try!..... :angry:

Edited by Kor37

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