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Big Brother flexes his muscles

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Now, you don't have to be a criminal to have your dna on file:




The idea of a national database with everyone's dna on file is scary to me - this newest move is only a step in that direction but it is a step in that direction. and it still means a lot of people guilty of no crimes will have their most personal information on file.

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I agree that this kind of database is scary. A database of convicted federal lawbreakers is one thing, but a databas on people arrested but ultimately found innocent is quite another invassion of privacy imo.

There is plenty to worry about in this proposal imo.

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I see nothing wrong with it. There should be a database which has everyone DNA, criminal history (or lack of one), medical records, employment history, and... well, I can't think of anything else.


Of course, only certain people would be able to access it, and even then they'd get information relevant to their profession. For example, police officers would only see whether or not you're on probation/parole (and for what, if you are), or if you have any warrants for your arrest. Potential employees would see only your employment history (and in their case, there should be an extra level of security). Paramedics and doctors would be able to see only your medical history, so they'd know right away whether or not you're allergic to any medications, or if you'd had any recent medical issues that they should be aware of.


It's the idea of such a database that scares me. It's people who manage to find ways to abuse it that scare me.

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