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Plot Holes

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I just finished watching "The Immunity Syndrome" and something about it bugged me. In every Trek series, whenever they meet up with a potentially deadly species, the main character always tries to talk with the aliens first to establish a dialogue and come to some sort of agreement. For example, despite what the Borg had done, Picard was hesitant to introduce the virus that would have wiped them all out. In "The Devil In The Dark", Kirk makes a deal with the Horta which has killed dozens of people.

In this episode, they are dealing with an obviously intelligent species. Kirk's sister-in-law says that the creatures are using them as their arms and legs to build ships for them. Obviously intelligent. There was absolutely no attempt at communication. They captured one of the aliens and subjected it to horrific torture in an effort to kill it. They then come up with a plan to kill the creatures and proceed to wipe them all out. Where was the moral compass in THIS episode? It was never expanded on in the episode, but apparently,all these creatures wanted was transportation. If thats all it was, find out where they want to go and take them there. Perhaps they were just trying to get back home.

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I can't think of anything that really got under my skin, but I always think about how they talked like Sisko's dad was dead in the early seasons of DS9. Then all of a sudden he shows up alive and well in the later seasons.

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I can't think of anything that really got under my skin, but I always think about how they talked like Sisko's dad was dead in the early seasons of DS9. Then all of a sudden he shows up alive and well in the later seasons.


And it turns out that Sisko's dad is Admiral Cartwright!



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