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Thief Returns Stolen Woman's Ashes

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Thief Returns Woman's Stolen Ashes


Posted: 2008-03-13 19:52:10

FOREST LAKE, Minn. (AP) - A Forest Lake woman has her mom's ashes back. Last month, a thief burglarized Michele Siedow's home and stole her mother's ashes. Two days after news media reported the theft, Siedow received the cremains in the mail, in a padded manila envelope.


Siedow says she "just started jumping up and down saying, 'I got my mom back! I got my mom back!' " Then she started crying.


The thief who struck Siedow's home took electronics, tools and everything in a jewelry box -- including a 5-inch velvet bag with a funeral home's name on it. The bag contained some of her mother's cremated remains.


Police are still investigating the burglary and have some leads.


A thief with a conscience?

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Karma-schmarma. He may have felt a bit of remorse, but mainly he couldn't sell or pawn it. If he had real remorse he'd return everything.

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