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Exploding Piggy Bank Helps Kids Save?

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Exploding Piggy Bank Helps Kids Save?

Posted Nov 9th 2007 1:39PM by Tim Stevens

Filed under: Computers





If you want to encourage kids to save, you might take them to the bank to set up an account, teach them to keep track of what they spend their money on and praise their progress. If you're in Japan, though, you apparently have to dol out severely negative punishment if your kid doesn't save his or her Yen, at least if the advent of this new exploding piggy bank is any indication.


The Savings Bomb is a digital piggy bank from TOMY. According to the company, it's shaped like a bomb, even labeled with a skull and crossbones, to strike fear in the hearts of kids. Those who are too poor to regularly add money to the thing will find that it starts to vibrate and shake. The LED wick on top will start to blink, and, if its carnal needs for money aren't quickly quenched, it'll blow all of your kid's hard-earned savings out the back. Picking up the change apparenlty, will force kids to"reflect on their laziness," according to TOMY.



So, no, it doesn't actually explode, but it does seem to make a big mess. Even so, we're not sure just how a bank that ejects all of your kid's money when they don't save is going to encourage them to save more. Plus, who the heck saves coins these days? You'd think an alarm clock that costs 2,922 Yen (about $25) would at least come with a bill slot.


What a great idea!.. :nono:

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