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He Who Shall Not Be Named

Arghhh, it's Talk Like a Pirate Day

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Arghhh, it's Talk Like a Pirate Day

By Sarah Womack, Social Affairs Correspondent,

Last Updated: 3:43am BST 19/09/2007


Hit the rum, shout "shiver me timbers" or "avast, ya scurvy varmints" and integrate the following words into your lexicon: Matey, booty, Arghhh, buried treasure, plank, scoundrel, plunder etc.


Say them in a low, gravelly voice, because you've been breathing in saltwater and are bound to be a little raspy.


September 19th is International Talk Like A Pirate Day


Why? Because Wednesday is International Talk Like A Pirate Day.


"Pirates of the Caribbean" star Johnny Depp is not the only over-the-top buccaneer allowed to have fun.


September 19 is your once-a-year chance to don an eye patch, sport a ridiculously large hat and keep on saying "Arrrrr.


When people ask you what the heck you're doing, tell them "One-Eyed-Willie sent me..."


It all started back in the 1990s as a cult joke between two American friends - John "Ol Chumbucket" Baur and Mark "Capn Slappy" Summers - but took off when syndicated columnist Dave Barry got to hear about their surreal festival.


"We tap into that need for whimsy in people's lives," Mr Summers said of the 24-hour celebration of quirkiness when they urge all self-respecting swashbucklers to show "pirattitude."


International Talk Like a Pirate Day (TLAPD), which adopted Treasure Island star Robert Newton as its patron saint, now attracts fans from Britain to Australia and even boasts a special Wikipedia site on the internet.


The day even has its own unofficial anthem - American Tom Smith has written and recorded "Talk Like a Pirate Day" - and Canadian sketch comedy troupe Loading Ready Run produced an educational video on how to swashbuckle with the best of them.


Ol Chumbucket and Capn Slappy are bombarded with requests for TLAPD interviews and proudly boast on their own website that they are even now being immortalised in computer games.


"That's fairly cool and geeky," Ol Chumbucket decided.


Pirate fans around the world have rallied round, showing that surreal silliness is alive and well.


An American soldier stationed in Iraq promised that "to celebrate, myself and others will wear an eye patch all day."


Sydney, Australia is staging a harbour cruise with "flagons of grog at pub prices and prizes to treasure for the dandiest of outfits."


A bar in Venice, Italy is holding an olive stone-spitting contest for would-be buccaneers.


A Brazilian fan sent a letter of support in a bottle while one overjoyed Argentinian whose birthday falls on the same day said "It will be difficult to talk in Spanish like pirates but we will try."


How to be a pirate girl


Wear a lot of bandanas. Especially ones with skull and crossbones designs and red and black ones. When not wearing a bandana, make your hair a bit messy. You can also use an eye patch. White, ivory, beige, cream and tan peasant shirts are great for the look. Skull t-shirts are also great. Plain black, white or beige shirts with cut-off sleeves are a great addition to your wardrobe. Brightly coloured long sleeve button ups are piratey. Just make sure they are loose, not stiff like a shirt a corporate executive might wear to the office. And make sure you leave all of it untucked but the very front, creating a sagging look (regardless of how it's finished) and unbutton the top few buttons.


How to talk like a pirate


Growl - and scowl often. Pirates don't use a cultured, elegant, smooth vocalization - they mutter and growl.


Gesture with your hands frequently. Don't forget that pirates do most of their talking on the deck of a ship - out on the ocean, where wind, waves, and bird calls make it tough to hear. Gesturing often gives you a sense of "being there."


Run words together. Saying, "The boys and I were out for a lovely day on the water today" sounds like something you'd overhear at a yacht club. Instead, try, "Me'n'these here scurvy scallywags drug our sorry keesters out t'th'ship'n'had us a grand great adventuaaarrr! We almost had t'keelhaul Mad Connie f'r gettin inter th' grog behind our backs!" Note that you should always endeavour to call the addressee by some insulting name, usually involving an animal. "Yer a scurvy bilge rat, ya pompous gasbag" or "Here's yer dinner, ya mangy cockroach." (source: wikiHow)

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Aaarrrggg! Ye scurvy lot o gasbags and landlubbers! Will none of ye talk like a Pirate t'day? Whatin the world is the matter with ye? Haf ye no sense o adventure? Do ye wanta be keelhauled? Talk like a pirate, blast yur hearts, afore I come after ye with me rusty saber!

Edited by trekz

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