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Too Sexy For The Bus

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Every now and then you manage to pull off something that looks really good. Maybe it's the outfit, maybe it's the extra 15 minutes you did at the gym last night, or maybe you're just having a killer hair day -- but have you ever looked so good you were too hot for public transportation?


You wish.


That, however, is exactly what happened to a German woman, who was nearly thrown off a bus by a driver who thought she was too sexy.


The woman told Germany's Bild newspaper: "Suddenly he stopped the bus ... He opened the door and shouted at me 'Your cleavage is distracting me every time I look into my mirror and I can't concentrate on traffic. If you don't sit somewhere else, I'm going to have to throw you off the bus."'


Now, while I understand that a low-cut top can make it difficult for men to focus, if this guy couldn't do his job because he found it impossible to quit staring, it sounds like his real problem is that he's kinda pervy.


In the end, the woman wasn't thrown off, as she opted to move seats for the duration of her commute. But, as you might suspect, she was humiliated.


This bus driver has some issues..........

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I heard about this story, the German authority said they agreed with the bus driver. He was distracted and his distraction could have caused an accident. He was right to ask her to move

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Unless she was sitting in his lap, I don't see how the bus driver would have been distracted by her if he kept his eyes on the road as he should.

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He needs to keep an eye on his passengers. Plus have to ever driven and had to check your rear vision mirror???

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It may sound sexest, but if he was distracted on the bus by looking through is mirrors he does have a point.

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