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Hotel Puts $110 Hamburger On The Menu

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Hotel Puts $110 Hamburger on Menu


JAKARTA (Dec. 18) - A hotel in Indonesia is dishing out a hamburger that costs more than twice the monthly minimum wage in some parts of the country.


The $110 hamburger offered by the Four Seasons is made of Kobe beef with foie gras, Portobello mushrooms and Korean pears -- served with french fries, of course.


They're not exactly selling like hotcakes yet, but the hotel says it has sold 20 of the 1.0 million rupiah ($110.10) hamburgers since they were launched this month.


"One burger has 225 grams of Kobe beef. It is so expensive because the flavor is really different," said Erwan Ruswandi, the chief of the restaurant offering the gourmet burger.


"The calves in Kobe get special treatment ... they drink beer mixed with milk, vitamins and eat pesticide-free grass. We add foie gras and also some Korean pears. We import all the materials, and they are high quality so it is so expensive."


The minimum wage in most parts the country of 220 million is as low as around $40 a month.


A tiny number of Indonesians are among the richest people in Asia while millions live in dire poverty in urban slums or shanty towns in the countryside.


Lets all get in line to buy a burger made from a drunk calf!.... :assimilated:

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Kobe beef comes from Japan. Very spoiled cows if you ask me. Kobe beef is very expensive even in Japan. I only had it once in Japan and it was experence that I will never forget nor my pocketbook forgive me for eating it. The meat is tender you do not need a knife to cut it. Also the beef has more fat than normal stuff that you get in the meat market.

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