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Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Fate of the NX-01 Enterprise

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So far, we've seen the fate of most of the main Trek ships.

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 - destroyed via self destruct

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A - decomissioned

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C - destroyed by Romulans, allthough not seen

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D - stardrive section exploded, saucer crash landed

U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 - destroyed by Breen energy weapon, replaced by Sao Paulo and renamed Defiant with the same registry number including NX.


So, I was thinking. What would you like the fate of the NX-01 to be, eh?


Me, I'd like to see the ship destroyed in the series finale. Since the show "should" end durring the Romulan War, unless time is sped up a bit, we should see the war resolved in a movie and the Federation founded at the end of the movie or done so in the following movie. Either way, I think having the ship destroyed by the Romulans in the finale would rock. Every show has had a "happy ending" so far. ENT could be the first series with a shocking finale durring the Romulan war with the destruction of Enterprise. This would leave fans begging for a movie to resolve the war!


What do you think? Good idea? What's your idea for the fate of Enterprise?

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I think it should be turned into a museum. It's the first Earth ship in deep space! Very historic. Just think about it. Pictures and information plaques, little kids running around in an "interactive area," getting your picture taken in the captain's chair. I think that would just be really neat.

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The romulan war in the movies is a great idea, but I agree with ensign_beedrill they shouldn't destroy the Enterprise NX-01, it makes a great peice of History. They could destroy the NX-02.

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The Enterprise movie will more likely deal with the founding of the Unnited Federation of Planets. Enterprise was launched in 2151. The Federation is founded in 2161. I think Berman and Braga planned it this way. If the series runs 7 years, then in 3 years a movie would fit right into that plot. Of course, they could have the founding of the Federation as well as the conclusion to the Romulan war. But frankly, I have a feeling that the Romulan war thing isn't going to be touched upon. Although, I do hope that is not the case.

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I like that idea.And how about it sacrifces itself to lets say destroy something that would of tipped the war in the Romulans favor.So it saves Earth doing it.

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I like the idea of it being destroyed at the end of the show and then during the movie they could be given the enterprise 1701 or a consatuion class starship and when they thought they were not going to make any more movies then have them give the ship to robert april which was the captian of the enterprise before pike.

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I would like to Enteprise NX-01 become this...



I'd like to see the Enterprise NX-01 and Starfleet become a fully realized military organization with the primary goal of peaceful exploration. When one considers human nature it seems that after the Xindi attack the rules that define Star Fleet's mission would be completely changed. They're not only an organzation out to explore but they need to insure the safety of Earth too... That's a big difference then what they started out as and it should be the change they go though a period of maximum military status for awhile at least. Human's should be alittle gun shy and protective of themselves. I mean it's only rational to think that after 7 million dead in a surprise attack people aren't going to want to here "it's a big misunderstanding". They would want to see results and the result would be a more militaristic Star Fleet out protecting Earth and her assets.


As far as the ship goes well we know that the Roluman war is reported to have started in about 2155 or 56 so that's not to far off. And coming on the heels of this attack it's a good bet that Star Fleet wouldn't be the same organization by the time Roluman's try to attack. They would be accutely aware of the dangers of space travel and the hostile nature of some spieces. Taking that into account it's irrational to think that Star Fleet wouldn't start a major build up of ships for both defenesive purproses and exploration. But with Archer being the only commander with real space combat experince it would be more advantagous to have him become the head of the military branch of Star Fleet. Being in space and out gunned and out numbered would give him the first hand experince he needs to really understand the threats in space. Therefore would logically want to rebuild the Enterprise and her fellow NX class ships into some sort of fast attack cruiser. Mainly because A) they are already built ; :dude: It's would be a good stop gap measure ; and C) He commands one... These would be well armed with extra extrenal phase cannon packs , more photonic torpedoes , and the spacial torpedo tubes converted to fire both normal spacial torpedoes and lay antimatter mines. As well shields ,extra armor , upgraded power systems, warp reactor, new sensor systems and the suliban cloak... That's just what I would think any rational commander would want and considering they have the technology already they can do it. Because already knowing what could happen in space he would want a fast sleathy attack force that hit the enemy before they know what's happened.


That's just what I want to see. Peace can't be achieved if everyone is taking pot shots or pushing Earth around now can it?

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