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First Responder classes

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Are they hard, slightly disturbing. Please give me some insight on these classes before I give my fire chief my final answer on if I'm going to take it.

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One of my drivers volunteers for the First Responder chapter here. Basically, they show up at fires and bring doughnuts, hotdogs and stuff for the firemen.

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First responders are basically just civilians who show up at an accident or fire and tell other people to keep back. Yea, you might see some grusome things at an accident, but it's to be expected.

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One of my drivers volunteers for the First Responder chapter here. Basically, they show up at fires and bring doughnuts, hotdogs and stuff for the firemen.


For some reason I get images of a big fire, explosion, or something and someone showing uo with hot dogs and a stick to cook them with.

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