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Session 4 - Questions / Answers

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Session 4 - Questions / Answers



Q1: Which character had grown a beard in The Motion Picture? (Give me his full name w/ middle name abbreviation)


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Answer: Dr. Leonard H. McCoy


Kirk - Bones, there's a thing out there

Bones - A thing? Why is something we don't understand always called a thing?



Q2: What board game did Spock often play aboard the Enterprise in TOS?


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3D Chess



Q3: In The Raven, to what hobby did Janeway introduce Seven of Nine?


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Answer: Sculpting


In the beginning of this episode Janeway took 7 of 9 to her Leonardo da Vinci simulation to introduce 7 to sculpting. One of the great things about this episode is that it explores the human equation and that really is what Star Trek is about.


Janeway talks about how imagination frees the mind and how the human mind really could not exist without it. She continued to talk about how imagination inspires ideas and solutions. I think Janeway and this episode conveyed that idea well. . . . Great Episode!



Q4: In The Motion Picture, who left the Enterprise without permission in an attempt to contact V’Ger?


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Answer: Spock



Q5: What Klingon General likes Shakespeare?


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Answer: General Chang



Q6: Who played “number one” in the original TOS pilot episode? (Who was the actor/actress?)


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Answer: Majel Barrett Roddenberry



Q7: True or False: Sybok helped Kirk confront his innermost pain


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Answer: False


Sybok - Now learn something about yourself

Kirk - No, I refuse

Bones - Jim, try to be open about this

Kirk - About what? That I made the wrong choices in my life? That I should turned left where I should have turned right? I know what my weakens are. I don’t need Sybok to take me on a tour!

Bones - If you just unbend at all

Kirk - And be brainwashed by this conman?!

Bones - I was wrong. This conman took away my pain.

Kirk - Dam it Bones you’re a doctor you know that pain and guilt can’t be taken away by a wave of a magic wand . . .

Those are the things we carry with us. . . .

The things that make us who we are! . . .

If we lose them we lose are selves. . . .

I don’t want my pain taken away. . . .

I need my pain!



Q8: Who was the new navigator assigned to the Enterprise in The Motion Picture?


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Answer: Ilian



Q9: What was the second episode of TNG?


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Answer: The Naked Now



Q10: Who paid an unexpected visit to Kirk’s home in The Search for Spock?


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Answer: Sarek



Q11: What was the second episode of DS9?


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Answer: Past Prologue



Q12: Garak thought what Shakespeare play was “more of a farce than a tragedy”?


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Answer: Julius Caesar



Q13: How many children did Shakespeare have?


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Answer: 3 (Susanna, Hamnet, and Judith)



Q14: NCC-74656 is the registry of what starship?


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Answer: U.S.S. Voyager



Q15: The two whales in The Voyager home were named what?


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Answer: George and Gracie



Q16: What is a sweet spot?


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Answer: From pre-Federation starships - it is 1/2 way between the gravity generator and the hollow plate. It is an area where there is gravity on both sides of the floor . . . .(We learned this on ENT) {min net force}



Q17: In the VOY episode Retrospect who is a weapons dealer who is falsely excused by Seven of Nine?


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Answer: Kovin



Q18: Why did Spock refuse to shoot Sybok in The Final Frontier?


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Answer: Sybok is Spock’s brother (technically, half-brother)



Q19: Species 3259 is a Borg designation for whom? (Hint: these people were one of the founding members of the UFP.)


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Answer: Vulcans



Q20: What was the first work made by Shakespeare? And what form of lit it is?


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Answer: Venus and Adonis, Poetry



Q21: Name Soran’s accomplices in Generations.


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Answer: Lursa and B’Etor



Q22: What was Shakespeare’s shortest play?


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Answer: The Comedy of Errors



Q23: How old is Juliet? (Referring to a play by Shakespeare)


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Answer: 13 years old



Q24: Who was the Admiral in Insurrection?


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Answer: Admiral Matthew Dougherty



Q25: Speaking of Shakespeare a blank verse is a popular type of what?


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Answer: It is a popular type of poetry



Q26: In Generations, what deck was Kirk on when the Enterprise B suffered a hull breach?


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Answer: Deck 15



Q27: And our last Shakespeare question (which is our second to last question) - As we know Garak read Julius Caesar. Dr. Bashir talked about how Caesar could not dream that his best friend would betray him. Who is he referring to? (Who is “his best friend”?)


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Answer: Brutus



Q28: And finally . . . (drum role . . . . )

Leonard wrote a book called "I Am Not Spock" which he later revived into what?


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Answer: I Am Spock




Master Q

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