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Star Trek Original Women Dress: Where to find?

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Hey all,


New to the boards, and figured I'd ask the pros where to find something on the web.


My girlfriend is a hugefan of the original series of Star Trek and her birthday is coming up in February and I want to get her that Mod Dress Uniform from the original series. You know the one. The one piece, short skirt thingy thats either red, yellow or gold or blue or WHATEVER.


I've searched online and the best I came up with is websites that are sold out of this for infinity. The other option i found was on ebay, but it doesn't look like the one i want to get her, and to further complicate it the only one on ebay is only a DRESS PATERN and I'm no seamstress.


So I ask you, the true fans...Where do I get one? Where have you seen one? Do you have one for sale dress size 6-8? Do they sell them at conventions, if so which ones in the NYC area before mid february?


I'm jonesin'!


I saw a "sexy nightie" version of it online the other day but I totally lost the link and can't find it again. That one, if i can find it again, will be my last recourse.


Please email me any leads to iamwillzone at, or just post them below.


Thanks, live long and prosper.




ps: BTW, I am also a fan of the Original Star Trek...i was pretty much raised on the movies, and a little bit of the series. Also, if it means anything, I have a good friend who looks exactly like Odo...and I can't bear to tell him.




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I can't help you with links. The only Trek conventions in the New York area is the Farpoint convention in Hunt Valley, MD which is scheduled for Feb 17 - 19, 2006. There is information about this convention in the Conventions forum. There are dealers at the convention although I have no idea whether you could buy a TOS uniform there.


I don't know how much a seamstress would charge to make a uniform but it may be something you want to consider. If you took a pattern (or possibly just a picture of a TOS uniform would be sufficient) you could probably get some quotes on how much it would cost. The quality of the uniform would probably be a lot higher than anything you can purchase on line since most uniforms sold online seem to be made from cheaper fabrics and usually the colours don't match up. If you decided to have one made, your girlfriend would have to be measured but you would also know that the fit will be excellent if it is custom made.

Edited by Takara_Soong

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These 2 sites have what you are looking for:

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Hey Will

Boy trying to find one it's not easy every once in awhile on Ebay you can find one or you could get a pattern and make one or have someone make the shirt for you with the pattern. I have almost all the uniforms the one I don't have is the Origianl one. I know a few places that you can get the pattern from if you would like there are some that will make the shirt for you but it will cost you some, my next costume project is the Klingon unform not the original but from the movies and TNG with the shoulder pads and all now you want to talk about hard to find patterns to do this uniform it's nearly impossible to find but if you look good enough you will find it like I did but I had to go to yahoo boards to find it anywas if you like I can give you some links that might help you out.




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