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Riots in Sydney

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Any Aussie would most definetly of heard of the situations in Cronulla and around Sydney.



Basically, here's the background story:




Ethnic young people in Australia have always caused a stir. From, some gangs raping young teenage girls, to the bashings of innocent people, Caucasian Aussies have alwaysed been pee'd off.


Now. I see it as the turning point for racism and independence in my beloved nation.



Due to the recent bashing of a Lifeguards at South Sydney's Cronulla beach by Ethnic gangs, The aussies are standing up to it.



Our Prime Minister and Police Commisiner are calling this "Un-Australian"






On Sunday (australian time). Over 5,000 Australian (non-ethnic) people ganged up togeather on Cronulla beach, fueled by booze and hate, they stormed down Cronulla's streets.


The news is calling it a "Man hunt".


These aussies are on one mission.


"Destroy all Ethnics"



The Ethnics barely escaped with their lives, if it wasn't for the New South Wales Police force.





They threw beer bottles at any thing that even remotely looked like Ethnic decent.


I can't even begin to describe what it was like.


imagine, 100 People pouring into a train that has just been pulled up to the station.

2 Ethnics inside.


These guys owe their lives to one brave Police officer, who managed to sweep in and started swinging his baton and pouring out Mace.




I have just been watching the news, and News is:


Ethnic young people are sending text messages to one another, planning a HUGE attack on Sydney this weekend.




News has also stated that Neo-Nazi's are reported to have started this "Crusade"


All they needed to give our aussies, was disgusitng lectures, and several cases of beer.



I will keep posting on the news, no doubt you will most likely hear this on your local news channel. Wherever you are in the world.


All I can tell you at the moment is:


South Sydney is a warzone











Neo-Nazi's fulling the "Crusade"

Edited by MANVERU

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well i live in QLD and I am scared, this disturbs me in a way i never thought i would feel coming from the background i do. they even attacked an italian man. what has happened to the aussie way of life???


Also the man that they were quoting on the tv said that this is what their fathers fought for (the beaches). What would the diggers say about this???


to quote derrin hinch, "shame shame shame"

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Thank you for your post on this topic. It has been mentioned on the news in the U.S. but rather briefly. Is this also related to increased immigration and resentment over the preception of lost jobs, or is it more just intolerance toward anyone who is different, in your opinion? Is there a turf aspect to this with the gangs (as in this is our turf (area) Stay Out!)?

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I hate idiotcie on levels like this. I might be from the U.S.A., but I don't care where stuff like this happens it still gets me mad. I am hoping that this is only a small number a people on both sides. This needs to be stopped before it gets worse, and trust me... it will only get worse if not stopped!

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I'm trying to understand this story and I'm picking up part of it from the responses but for the life of me I cannot read Manveru's dark green text!.... :blink:

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But I have decided to support the Aussies on this crusade.



The news got it all wrong.


It's the Ethnics who are causing this, just last night, 300 Ethnics marched down a street in sydney, bashing anything and Everything.


The thing you have to understand about Ethnics who are Gang fuled, are that they have no respect for Aussies.


They threaten to rape our woman, slice open throats.


We've had enough.


Yes I am taking my life into my own hands, and as most of you know, I have recently been accepted into the air force.


But if I'm caught doing this my career is over.



But I have to do it.


young ethnics have always caused me pain.


they have bashed me, teased me, even put me in hospital.

When they did gang up on me, they didn't come with jsut one dude, there were 10 of them.


These gang slime are cowards, becasue they are scared that if they go in less numbers, they have a chance for defeat!


So, this weekend, I'm heading up to Cronulla, grabing my aussie flag, and I will march!


This is the day we stand up for our way of life.

This is the day we protect what is ours.


The government is doing nothing.

It's time to act!!!








OI!! OI!! OI!!

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Now his post color is white, my quote is not needed.

Edited by Data

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why do people have to fight? why? why can't you put aside you differentices and get along? i know that people have done wrong on both sides. wanting to end what is going on is a great thing to want, but why fight? why risk your life when there are better ways of taking care of the problem? Why?

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You can't blame all ethnics on what a few do. That's like saying all whites are horrible people because of the Third Reich. When people take the law into their own hands, then nothing good will come out of it. Those taking to the streets to fight are as guilty, if not more so, than the gangs themselves.

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Manveru-----You are absolutely right! Over here in the USA, its the Blacks that cause all the trouble. They commit all the crime and none of them work. They all sell drugs too.


Now, Manveru, you are probably thinking about what a ludicrous statement I just made. But it sounds just like what you are describing. Don't blame an entire race on the acts of a few losers man. You know better than this. Think about it.

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No, if you read my post, I said:



The thing you have to understand about Ethnics who are Gang fuled, are that they have no respect for Aussies.



I am only against youg Ethnic men that threaten our way of life

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What about whites who threaten the aboriginals way of life? They could view the whites as ethnics causing trouble and killing them.

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The Aboriginals are threatning us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Their gangs are even worse than the Ethnics

Edited by MANVERU

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IMO mobs reacting to gang action is not going to help anything. There should be a curfew, troops or police should be brought into troublespots. Religious and governmental leaders should contact various groups and work toward talking out issues. Violence will solve nothing imo, only lead to more resentment and more violence. Violence is not the Trek way. I would stay as far away from these trouble spots in the Sydney area as possible if I were in that area.

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As a human being, I cannot and will not condone the actions taken by either side in these matters. It is true that may of use have never gone through anything like this, but our integrity, our morals, and the belief in peace that we all seek from one and other would helps us find another way then violence to render these problems no more among us. Though there are those that cannot, or will not, see beyond the color of skin, level of class, or views of beliefs of another person or people, I say for those that do I only wish that these events end soon and that this doesn’t go further then it already has.

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point taken.


But we should have some island that where all those ppl that want to stuff around and be *insert choice word here* can go!!!

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I guess a really big point that anoys me about young Ethnic men, is that they HATE the western world.


And by that, they treat aussies like crap.



I don't think that's right, after all, if they don't like it. Why the (I'm trying to misspell a bad word but can't) are they here?

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i'm getting too pissed off so i am leaving this topic alone. Sorry


for the time being

Edited by jadziaezri

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