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Chat Room Star Trek Trivia

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Chat Room Star Trivia


Want LIVE Star Trek Trivia? Well, here it is! Hosted by Master Q!'s Official Star Trek Trivia not only does message board trivia, but trivia sessions every other week in the chat room! If you participate in both regularly, then you no doubt have noticed that both have unique qualities from each other and challenge you differently.



Next Upcoming

Chat Room Star Trek Trivia Session:




The Normal Session:'s Official Chat Room Star Trek Trivia Regulations:

-I ask a question in the public chat room. You do your best to think up the answer and then type it into the public chat room. The first person to answer it correctly will receive two-points (unless otherwise noted).

-If you are the second person to answer the question correctly at practically the same time as the first, then you will also receive two points. However, it is usually "first come, first serve."

-Spelling usually does not count, but I must be able to determine what you are referring to.

-Any two(+)-part questions require that you give all the answers in one-line. Sometimes I might give hints that gives away one of those parts to the answer, if this is the case you will only be required to give the answer that was not yet given away.

-Never ask for the next question ("nq"). I will ask the next question when I am ready to do so. Please be patient.



Trivia FAQs: Click Here

Time Zone Converter: Click Here


(When I have time I will provide the links and fix-up the following)


---The Typical Question

In the normal trivia session the majority of the Star Trek questions are "What," "Who," "When," "Where," "Why," (and other similar equivalent or other spin-off) types of questions. Actually, "When," "Where," and "Why" is not specifically used much, but mainly "What" and "Who" is used. I use "What" questions a lot because this word can be used in direct and/or indirect questions to ask the identity of something or the nature of somebody, or about the purpose of something. It is universal; as a result, sometimes I try to re-word a question that is the average "What" question because it sometimes can get tiring to see question after question very alike in structure.


Example: [session 1 - Q1]

What species was Kes?

Answer: Ocampa


Example: [session 2 - Q5]

Who destroyed Guinan’s home-world?

Answer: The Borg


"What" is so universally compatible, in fact, I could easily re-word the second question in the form of "What." But, anyways, we've scrutinized this more then we need to (lol).


---Fill In The Blank

I can have a question that requires you to "Fill In The Blank" in different ways. One way is having you fill in a blank, which will appear in the chat room as an underscore line (____), and where I want you to finish the statement to make it true. Another way I might have a "Fill In The Blank”" question is to finish a Star Trek quote.


Example: [session 8 - Q14]

In "Star Trek: First Contact," Picard said the Federation has over _______ member planets.

Answer: 150


Example: [session 3 - Q2]

Finish The Quote: "______ is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination."

Answer: Truth


Pretty simple, huh? ...Good!


---Wheel . . . . . of . . . . . Fortune!

In the Official Chat Room Star Trek Trivia session number seven we played the popular TV-Game Show "Wheel of Fortune." I have adapted a skimmed down-version of the TV-Game show’s final puzzle as a question in our normal trivia sessions. It has become a favorite of many of our regular participants. I will give a word, name, title/episode, phrase,.... whatever, and you will guess what you think it might be. You will not guess letters. I will give hints and have some letters in the puzzle given to help, but if necessary, I'll give more hints. Each single underscore (_) will represent one letter. A slash (/) or vertical bracket (|) will be used to separate words.


Example: [session 8 - Q12]

_ t a r _ _ e e _

Answer: S t a r f l e e t


Example: [session 17 - Q12]

T h e / _ a _ t / _ u t _ _ _ t

Answer: “T h e / L a s t / O u t p o s t”


---Continuum Hunt

This is a new type of 'question' or 'competition' here! It is equivalent to a type of web-hunt. I may ask for everyone to search for a specific or type of picture, webpage, website, article, a message board post, or something of that nature. You copy and paste the link into the chat room once you found it.


Example: [session 22 - Q38]

Continuum Hunt: Send me a direct link to a picture of "the Celestial Temple".... Ready?....Set......GO!!!

(Answer Varies)


---Other Types of Questions


Once in a while you might see a True/False question throw into the mix of a trivia chat room session. The question will be worded into a statement. Your job is to determine if that statement is true or false.


Example: [session 20 - Q36]

True/False: I now own all of DS9 on DVD.

Answer: True!


-Name That Episode

"Name That Episode" can be in many forms. It sometimes can be formed into "The Typical Question." However, it can be announced that a short synopsis, or riddle, or quote comes from an episode, and that you then have to "Name That Episode."


Example: [session 5 - Q11]

Name That Episode: A woman trades bodies with Kirk so she can captain a starship

Answer: Turnabout Intruder


-And who knows what else. Expect a few surprises! However, typically you should expect those "What" "Who" .... types of questions.


---Random Qs

Some Official Chat Room Star Trek Trivia sessions will contain "Random Qs." They can be anything, and yes, sometimes they are on everyone’s favorite subjects like math or physics. These questions can be in the form of anything above (in the form of a "Typical Question," "Fill In The Blank," etc.).


Example: [session 2 - Q19]

Random Q ~ A "perfect #" is a # that all of its factors add up to that #. (Factor: It's simply a # that can be divided evenly into another number.) For example 6 is a perfect # because all of its factors add up to it! (1+2+3=6) Find the second perfect #.

Answer: 28 (1+2+4+7+14=28)



Once in a while we might even have an activity in the trivia session. Many of these activities are similar to the games played in the Game forum.



Themed Trivia Sessions:

***“Wheel of Fortune”***

This is the full-version of the popular TV-Game Show. While there might be some differences due to obvious limitations (and even some advantages) to the chat room, a fun time is had by all that play. When you "spin" the Wheel of Fortune wheel I will roll a regular dodecahedron (twelve-faced) die and we will see where you land! For more info...



Become one group, working together, banking, and risking everything for more points; as the group works up to build a single chain, are the principles in "Star-Trek-Chain," a stimulating Official Chat Room Star Trek Trivia session. In some ways, it is similar to "The Weakest Link," a TV-Game Show. (Hmmm... I don't even know if it is still on TV.) For more info...



This special trivia session is almost the same as a regular session, but everyone will be required to play in teams of two. If the two members together made x points, then both members of that team will receive x points. There will also be bonus points to encourage team-play and some kind of strategy. Someone dominating the team will result in less bonus points, which could possibly hinder the chance of that team winning the game. For more info...



Jeopardy! Yet another chat room trivia game molded after a TV-Game Show. There will be two-rounds with 20 questions each. After someone picks a category and point-value an "answer" response will have to be the form of a question, where the category and point-value picked was in the form of an answer. You can lose points, though, so be careful and wise. One of the nice things about this game is that it doesn't require you to type super-fast because you will buzz in with a "*", and then after I call on you, you will have some seconds to type your response, in the form of a question. For more info...


***Enterprise Trivia***

Because I don't regularly or semi-regularly watch Star Trek: Enterprise, I usually don't ask any questions related to that specific series. However, do not fear because Spacetigger and guest hosts sometimes will fill-in for me and/or host an exclusive trivia session on this specific series. The actual session will be an ordinary trivia chat room session with an Enterprise twist.


One time Spacetigger hosted a trivia session a day after the season four premier, and the questions asked were only on that one episode. We might have one of these trivia session every once in a while for a very special Enterprise episode. For more info...


***Newbie Session***

This is exclusively for the newbie out there. If you have less then x points, then you can participate in the fun. This may tie into the message board as well.



Previous Trivia Sessions:


The First Session:

Date-Time - 6/14/03 - 4:00 PM (ET)

Session Length - Approximately 1 hour

25 Questions: 7 TOS, 6 VOY, 2 ST-9, 4 ST-5, & 6 Phy / Math


Session 2:

Date-Time - 6/28/03 - 4:00 PM (ET)

Session Length - Approximately 1 hour

25 Questions: 9 TNG, 7 DS9, 5 ST6, & 4 phys/math


Session 3:

Date-Time - 7/12/03 - 4:00 PM (ET)

Session Length - Approximately 1 hour

25 Questions: Finish The Quote, Name this person, Science (Chemistry, Physics, Math), Computers (Networking), . . . .


Session 4:

Date-Time - 7/26/03 - 4:00 PM (ET)

Session Length - Approximately 1 hour

28 Questions: TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, Shakespeare, . . . .


Session 5:

Date-Time - 8/9/03 - 4:00 PM (ET)

Session Length - Approximately 1 hour

25 Questions


Session 6:

Date-Time - 8/23/03 - 4:00 PM (ET)

Session Length - Approximately 1 hour

25 Questions


Session 7:

"Wheel of Fortune"

Date-Time - 9/13/03 - 4:00 PM (ET)

Session Length - Approximately 1 hour


Session 8:

Date-Time - 9/4/03 - 4:00 PM (ET)

Session Length - Approximately 1 hour


Session 9:

Special Halloween ST-Trivia Session

Date-Time 10/25/03 - 4:00 PM (ET)

23 Questions


Session 10:

Merry Christmas

Date-Time 12/13/03 - 4:00 PM (ET)

30 Questions


Session 11:


Date-Time: 12/27/03 - 3:00 PM (ET)

28 Questions


Session 12:

Date-Time: 1/17/04 - 3:00 PM (ET)

31 Questions


Session 13:

Date-Time: 1/31/04 - 3:00 PM (ET)

25 Questions

3 Activities


Session 14:

Date-Time: 2/21/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

27 Questions

2 Activities


Session 15:

Special ENT Trivia Session!!

With Special Guest Host: TransporterMalfunction

Date-Time: 3/6/04 - 5:00 PM (ET)

28 Questions


Session 16:

Date-Time: 3/27/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

38 Questions

1 Activity


Session 17:


Date-Time: 4/24/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

29 Questions


Session 18:

Host: Spacetigger

Date-Time: 5/8/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

37 Questions


Session 19:

Date-Time: 5/29/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions

1 Activity


Session 20:

Date-Time: 7/17/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 21:

Date-Time: 7/31/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 22:

Date-Time: 8/14/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 23:


Date-Time: 8/28/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 24:


Date-Time: 9/25/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 25:

Special ENT Trivia Session!!

Host: Spacetigger

Date-Time: 10/9/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

31 Questions


Session 26:

Date-Time: 10/23/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 27:

Date-Time: 11/6/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 28:

Date-Time: 11/20/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 29:

Date-Time: 12/4/04 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 30:

Date-Time: 01/22/05 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 31:

Date-Time: 01/29/05 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 32:

Date-Time: 03/05/05 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 33:

Date-Time: 03/19/05 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 34:

Date-Time: 04/02/05 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 35:


Date-Time: 04/16/05 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 36:

Date-Time: 04/30/05 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions


Session 37:

Special ENT Trivia Session!!

Host: Spacetigger

Date-Time: 05/15/05 - 4:00 PM (ET)

40 Questions



Session N1

Date-Time: 05/1/05 - 4:00 PM (ET)

100 Questions




Edited by master_q

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