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If Barclay were in the last episode....

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How would you think the episode would have been if Enterprise's last episode had centred around Barclay being on a holographic representation of the NX-01's last years instead of Riker and Troi?

Edited by mj

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Which Barclay? The insecure Barclay of TNG, or the one who more or less saved the day in Voyager?

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That may have been a little more interesting than using Troi and Riker, but Barclay's being prominent in one Trek finale (Endgame) was enough for me. To use him again would've been a bit too much, imo.


I just wish they would have made a better connection between TNG and ENT rather than Riker's mediocre moral dilemma. If that plot point had been stronger, I could've accepted almost any other Trek character in "TaTV".

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Which Barclay? The insecure Barclay of TNG, or the one who more or less saved the day in Voyager?


I had the TNG one more in mind, given that was the setting of the episode. Even though I couldn't really think of a good reason why he'd want to bother with such a holodeck programme, I thought it would be more interesting and funnier had it been Barclay who accessed it.

I don't think it would have been a fitting end having it revolve mostly around him, but I'd prolly like it a whole lot better than what Berman and Braga churned out.

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I agree; Barclay present instead of Riker & Troi would not have made the finale any better, it would still have been a weak rehash of a previously used story device with a different character is all.

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If it was the Barclay from early TNG, I don't think that they could show his recreation of the NX 01 on public tv, lol. But anyway I don't think that it would have changed much as far as the quality. I am still disappointed that they did not give ENT a proper finale that concentrated on the crew of that ship instead of on the Riker Delimma.

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How would you think the episode would have been if Enterprise's last episode had centred around Barclay being on a holographic representation of the NX-01's last years instead of Riker and Troi?



Ha, that would have made my day.

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Using the TNG Barclay might have been more plausible. Since Barclay had already spent holodeck time with real crewmates, it seems believable that he would go to the holodeck if he were going through some personal dilemma that needed some help.


Still I think it was a weak way to try to bring the TNG crew into the Enterprise arena. It would still have been difficult to put together a good espisode even with Barclay in place of Troi and Riker.

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Forget Barclay. If you want to go the holographic route, we shouldn't have known about it until the very end, after Archer signs the treaty. Then the camera should have panned to a section of the audience consisting of children. As the crowd begins to stand, a teacher begins to lead a group of children out of the auditorium. They're on their way up the stairs, toward an exit, when the teacher turns around and calls out to a young boy who remains where he is, mesmerized. The teacher again calls to the young Kirk/Picard/Sisko, and when she fails to get his attention, she looks up and says, "Computer, end program."


And if you simply must have the Barclay plot, then he's just playing a role-playing program - again. This time with people who can't report him.


Oh, and Trip wouldn't have died.


She says, still not happy with Enterprise's original ending.

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If Barclay was in the last episode, the series wouldn't have finished because they can get loans.




:lol: :naughty:

Edited by xXTrekkieCaraXx

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I think that 'These are the Voyages' was a cursed concept from the outset. It was a cheap plot device. It wouldn't have been as bad a regular episode, but it was such a cheap way to end the show.


We should have heard Archer's speech, Hoshi and Travis should have been promotted, Trip should have had his own command, and T'Pol shouldn't have given a rip if Trip 'missed' her.

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Forget Barclay. If you want to go the holographic route, we shouldn't have known about it until the very end, after Archer signs the treaty. Then the camera should have panned to a section of the audience consisting of children. As the crowd begins to stand, a teacher begins to lead a group of children out of the auditorium. They're on their way up the stairs, toward an exit, when the teacher turns around and calls out to a young boy who remains where he is, mesmerized. The teacher again calls to the young Kirk/Picard/Sisko, and when she fails to get his attention, she looks up and says, "Computer, end program."



Touchthesky, I love your idea. Too bad you're not writing for Trek!

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