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Hi everyone, I'm Frank. 29, single guy living in Florida now, originally from NY. I am majorly into Trek, primarily Next Generation. I can usually go toe-to-toe with anyone in Trek trivia, and I have insights that most gropus fine valuable. Sometimes funny too. I have an extensive collection, including all the novels I could fine...Over 600 of them, all the numbered ones of all the series. Probbaly over 700, I lost count. Fill up a room in my house with bookshelves and cases, enough said. Oh I read them too, so feel free to pick 1 and we can discuss. Ok, I have a few problems. I am not online often, so good luck finding me...I also have a tendency to dominate a conversation, so I apologize in advance. Worst of all, I tend to write in one huge paragraph. Sorry, it is just me and how I write. My editor hates me lol. I have positives too though, such as my love of sharing Trek and listening to other people. I also give everyone a chance to voice their opinion, even if it is totally wrong lol...I have a confession to make as well tonight...I am in lvoe with Robin Lefler. Not Ashley Judd, you can have her. I love the character, and how she was portrayed. It is a deep love that makes me *dream of Lefler* quite often. Too often. Ok, it's almost constant. I have a problem. It is that she isn't real, and I can never have her. Moving along, I loom forward to anyone saying hi or emailing me to chat or something. I do the convention thing now and then, mostly to acquire more stuff and hang with other fans. We actually have a blast, not just sitting around rehashing episodes. I have friends that are into Trek, and they are GIRLS. Matter of fact, I captained a ship in NY (one of those club ships, you know...) and 9 of our 20 members were female. A step further? They were all near my age at the time...In NY, Trek is not for guys that can't get a date. Matter of fact, I was engaged to one and dates I think 5 of them over the course of my lifetime. Before Trek was part of it too I Fine, I wear glasses...Only one of them did, and they were for reading. Ok, that's enough. Someone give me a holler. I doubt I can find my way back to this board, so drop something in my email box or whatever until I find this place I'm Frank, Peace and Long Life.

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Hello Xero328. And Welcome Aboard! You'll have fun here for sure..Happy Posting..:lol:


I run the Trivia forum here so be sure to check out the questions when it starts up again. I'm taking a short break from it because I'm flying out to Vegas on thursady for the Trek convention..

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Welcome to!!! :lol:



Hope you enjoy your stay.......see you out there...109813389511021610615ib.gif

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