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Daylight Savings Time

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Congress is planning to extend Daylight Savings Time. I hate this, I really do. I am so sick of hearing how it "saves" money. Anyone that has ever been in Florida at about 5:00 o'clock on a July evening knows the only place you want to be is inside a car or building with the AC cranked. Someone even suggested it would it would encourage exercise, once again the air here in Florida this time a year is too thick to breath - yeah, let's go jogging. Now if I had that hour of daylight in the morning when I needed it - that would be great incentive to exercise.

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How about it's extended to the place where it doesn't exist anymore? It's only an annoyance.

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Congress is planning to extend Daylight Savings Time.  I hate this, I really do.  I am so sick of hearing how it "saves" money.  Anyone that has ever been in Florida at about 5:00 o'clock on a July evening knows the only place you want to be is inside a car or building with the AC cranked.  Someone even suggested it would it would encourage exercise, once again the air here in Florida this time a year is too thick to breath - yeah, let's go jogging.  Now if I had that hour of daylight in the morning when I needed it - that would be great incentive to exercise.




I cannot stand DST to begin with, and I am going to really dislike it if it is extended. For starters it just makes it so the children will all be catching the bus in the dark. Yeah when they return home they'll have more time to play outdoors or go hang out with friends, but it does not help the fact that they will be going to their bus stops in complete darkness... Personally I have a big problem with that since there is always the risk of kidnappings. I used to teach gymnastics to children ranging from about 2 years old to the age of 16, and the thought of anyone of them being out before the sun came up waiting at the edge of the road would and did bug me. Now I am an aunt/Godmother, and the thought of my niece being out there bugs me even more. At least in the early morning(read as normal non DST time, so the sun is at least beginning to rise) it makes it easier to see them and keep an eye on them. And that is not always easy, because some bus stops require children to walk to the end of the street (for example, my siblings and I had to walk to the end of our street for a few years before a stop was added in front of our driveway(there was a bunch of kids near us so it made it better for them so they did not have to walk as long a distance). True, I know that a parent could walk a child to the bus stop and wait for them (and I would do such a thing if I had kids, and I would for my niece until she was old enough)...but that is not always possible if the parents work early morning or graveyard shifts. Adding another hour to DST would only make matters worse, IMHO.

Edited by Yillara_Soong

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When I was growing up I used to wait for the bus in the morning in the dark and that was during the winter months.


Daylight savings do save lots of money. I used to live in a country that didn't have daylights sending a lot more money on electric bill than if I did it. It was also very annoying when the sun would come up in the 4 in the morning and it would very hot and humid by 7 am. For someone used to work outdoors alot it just made my day harder. The sun would set around 7 pm so most daylight is lost in the very early morning hours.

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The person who thought it up was Benjamin Franklin. He thought it was a good idea at the time.

Edited by Odie

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The person who thought it up was Benjamin Franklin.  He thought it was a good idea at the time.



Benjamin Franklin didn't live in Florida. It may be a good idea for some places? But I don't buy that we're saving money - it's just another hour to crank the AC. :P Glad he didn't win "Greatest American"

Edited by TheUnicornHunter

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During Benjamin Franklin time ACs wasn't even thought of and people still survive their summers with a lot more layers of cloths than we wear today. I never had AC unit in my house until I moved to Japan 3 years ago.

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Odie, I just checked the sunrise/sunset times at the Naval Observatory website. The sun is already up in Buffalo, we have over 20 minutes to go where I am. Currently it is 77 degrees with 88% humidity. I checked Buffalo - it is 63 degrees w/ 87% humidity.


My point was that all states are not the same. Since we don't experience sunrise at the same time - by making it later here in Florida we have to do nearly everything in the dark every morning. If they didn't mess with it - I could get up and walk before work - as it is it is barely daylight when I have to leave for work. :P

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I don't live in Buffalo, New York anymore since I am in the Navy. I haven’t lived in Buffalo for the last 8 years. I have lived in Norfolk, VA, Yokosuka, Japan, and now in San Diego, CA. Even though I am currently on a deployment. I have been to many countries around the world where they have daylight saving and where some don’t have it. In some places it really doesn’t matter if they have daylight savings or not. There are places that do have it and local population doesn’t even complain about it, because they are not depended on the AC and used to their weather. I would like to have sunlight during the evening hours and not in 4 in the morning when I am a sleep, but than in the Navy I won't leave the ship after 4 pm to 5 pm. Without daylight saving the sun will start to set, which doesn't give a whole lot of time to enjoy the sun. I have lived in weather that was above 100 degrees with humidly that was around 100 without AC. Within a few days I used to the heat and the humidity. People lived without AC for centuries. I have gone to work in the dark and come from work in the dark.


It is also matter of taste whither the person wants more sunlight during the morning or in the evening. I am evening person so I would like to see more sunlight in the evening hours. Maybe I have gotten used having to sunset almost 9 pm in Buffalo. The only reason why I would be against adding another hour is the sun would not set until almost 10 pm during the summer month. Whither we save money or not daylight savings will not go away, because somehow the farmers are very much against the idea of doing away with it.


Part of my job in the Navy is to obverse the sunset and rise and everything that will rise and set in celestial hemisphere. Closer you are to the equator more even the sun will raise and set. Further away you are from the equator the more sunlight in the summer and less in the winter. You can be in the same state, but the cities will have different times when the sun will set and rise.


I really do think adding another 1 to daylight saving is not a good thing. It would take everyone longer to adjust to the time difference when you compare it with 1 hour.

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I don't have strong feelings about it either way.


But where my mother lives, Indiana, will next year all be going on DST.


The state has two time zones: Eastern Standard Time, and Central Standard time for those parts of the state that are Chicago suburbs. The CST part of the state always went on Central Daylight Savings Time, and the the rest of the state did not change it's clocks, and so would remain on EST. EST = CDST so in the summer the entire state would be on the same time zone. That will change next year, and people are grumbling about it, because they understand things as they are.


But I thought it was a state law that changed the practice.

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It's now 90 degrees with a heat index of 101. We don't need another hour of this. We need an hour in the morning before it gets hot to walk the dog, jog, water the garden etc. Unfortunately it is dark because of DST.


I'm considering moving to Arizona - just as hot but they don't observe DST.


Actually, I think farmers are against the extension as are airlines, as are actually most people.

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The person who thought it up was Benjamin Franklin.  He thought it was a good idea at the time.



At the time, it was a good idea. It's not needed anymore.

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It does nouthing but disrupt the flow of things and was one of the dumber things to become a law (is it a law or just something like it? I am not really sure on that part). I am tempted to say dumbest but I know that is most certainly NOT true.

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I think it's a bad idea, because:

1: it was made to give farmers more daylight to work in the fields, but with todays tech, and the ability to light up fields, it's not needed. like I said in a previous post, it's outdated.

2: I usually have to go to bed early. and it's really hard to go to bed at 9 or 9:30 when the sun is still up. :P

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If not broken, don't fix. Leave it as it is... I need the hour of sleep in October and in April I don't need it because I'm always on break.

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