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Just wondering if anyone has participated in the Star Trek Live Chats at John Billingsley is scheduled for tonight- would have liked to participate.

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I went to the chat room for less than 5 minutes during the Anthony Montgomery chat because of the idiots that were in there. The chat room is modified so that people in the chat room can submit a question (which I highly doubt will get answered) or chat with others in the chat room. These idiots that were in the chat were talking in the room only but they were critisizing everything Anthony Montgomery said, calling him names, etc. As I said, I only stayed a few minutes before I got so peeved I left. I came in when the chat had already been going on for 15 minutes and there were only 6 people in there. I think the only questions that get answered are ones selected from the email submissions.

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I went to the chat room for less than 5 minutes during the Anthony Montgomery chat because of the idiots that were in there.  The chat room is modified so that people in the chat room can submit a question (which I highly doubt will get answered) or chat with others in the chat room.  These idiots that were in the chat were talking in the room only but they were critisizing everything Anthony Montgomery said, calling him names, etc.  As I said, I only stayed a few minutes before I got so peeved I left.  I came in when the chat had already been going on for 15 minutes and there were only 6 people in there.  I think the only questions that get answered are ones selected from the email submissions.

That's aweful!!

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I agree with Takara_Soong. The chatroom is hideous. People usually don't talk about Star Trek, usually "sim," argue, or talk

about nothing in particular. I would estimate a 3% chance that when you log into the chatroom, those gathered will be engaged in a conversation about Star Trek.

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Well I usally payed no attenion to what every one else was saying but sometimes they would talk about NEM or about the persons response...


nellis told me that one of the ones she went to they had a discussion of which was better Star Trek or Star Wars.. :)

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Every time i went, there were spammer in there (including this guy with an X-rated SN who would post like 20 lines of the word "nude" in red, over and over again) other than that, it was no one I knew and they were NEVER talking about Trek. It was too boring for word!

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I went into a chat with Brent Spiner and the questions people were asking were embarrassing.Some of the questions were like "Does Data go to the bathroom?" :) B) I mean come on what kind od question is that.Brent answered by saying "I imagine he does,doesnt everybody?"I emailed him and asked him if he thought that alot of these questions were stupid and he said yes.Thats why i rarely go to anymore.


Takara ur right most of the time the only questions that are answered are the ones by email .At least thats what ive been told.

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I went to the chat room for less than 5 minutes during the Anthony Montgomery chat because of the idiots that were in there.  The chat room is modified so that people in the chat room can submit a question (which I highly doubt will get answered) or chat with others in the chat room.  These idiots that were in the chat were talking in the room only but they were critisizing everything Anthony Montgomery said, calling him names, etc.  As I said, I only stayed a few minutes before I got so peeved I left.  I came in when the chat had already been going on for 15 minutes and there were only 6 people in there.  I think the only questions that get answered are ones selected from the email submissions.

The stars must have to put with kind of *poopie* all the time.

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Well, what can I say? What a shame that rotten apples spoil the barrel. It seems the chat room has the potential to be a great tool to get in touch with our fav. actors from our fav. shows. Thanks for your advice.

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I’m surprised that they don’t kick some of these people out during these sessions!


They might not be moderated, but when we put someone like Spiner or someone else then wouldn’t you think that they would then. That really does not make any sense.





Here is a transcript when John Billingsley was in the chat room:




(It's long so I'm going to put it in a spoiler box)


Click for Spoiler:

John Billingsley: Hey, all chatters! Nice to meet you!


Question: Did you model Dr. Phlox after anyone you are acquainted with, either real or fictional?

Will A.


JB: No one has ever asked that question before. I didn't model him after anyone in particular. I decided that as a hyper-intelligent alien he should sound very proper and I decided to use what they call "mid-Atlantic speech" which in America is what they teach actors with dialects. It's dialect-free classic speech. And I thought he had a Buddhist outlook, so I gave him a bit of East Indian lilt. If anyone wants to ask me about the squawking that got cut, I can talk about that.


Q: Hi John I just want to ask if you enjoyed yourself in Germany this May? I personally thought you and your wife were a scream and stole the show. Love your character. Phlox rocks.



JB: Bless you! We had a blast in Germany. Love your beer. My wife had a great time, now she's part of the act. Can't wait to come back. P.S. – Do you have any pictures of me half-naked on stage? I'm told they're all over the internet.


Q: Have you started filming any third season episodes?



JB: We start tomorrow. I start the day after. More scary stuff than last season, I suspect. It probably means more down time for me.


Q: Mr. Billingsley, any relation to Barbara Billingsley, of Leave it to Beaver fame? :angry:



JB: She called me on the phone when I first arrived in Los Angeles. She is an amateur genealogist and she wanted to know if we were related. I told her I thought I was her son. She would have none of that. But both our ancestors come from Oklahoma, so there probably is a distant relationship.


Q: Your own wife was featured in an episode of Enterprise, what is it like working with your family? Do you want to work more with your wife on the show?



JB: I adore my wife. I wanted her to play all three of Dr. Phlox's wives. In fact, I wanted her to play all Denobulan women — more residual checks for us. We didn't actually appear together in the Borg episode, but we do have pictures of both of us in Borg makeup and those will be our Christmas cards. "Merry Christmas from the Borgingsleys."


Q: Hello John. Can you tell me please of interesting places or countries you have traveled to? Many thanks and Best Wishes.



JB: I love to travel, I've been all over. We just got back from trips to Germany, England, Bali (gorgeous) Australia, and Malaysia. One thing I fear is that Americans are becoming excessively neurotic about traveling the world. Foolish Americans!


Q: Are you impressed with your action figure? Would you proudly display one in your home?



JB: Would that I were as buff as my action figure! Also, my action figure comes with a spare head. Would that I came with a spare head. My wife uses it ... for the cats to play with. The boy cat loves to chase my head around the room.


Q: Were you nervous in the episode where T'Pol went into Pon farr?



JB: I was nervous that my wife would appear on the set … with a gun! I was nervous that Jolene would not be able to contain her own personal lust. I was also nervous that she might have a gas attack. One of these things occurred.


Q: What exactly is it they have you eat when you eat bugs on the show?

Dan C.


JB: I am a method actor, I will only eat real bugs. They hate that. They make me eat chocolate. I recommend a children's book called "The Gas We Pass." Also the biography of Le Petomane, the famous French vaudevillian whose ability to pass gas in a variety of interesting ways made him a star in fin de siècle France.


Q: Mr. Billingsley, what musical tastes do you enjoy?



JB: I am a big classical music fan. I also listen to a lot of jazz, some rock, some folk, and polka. Only kidding, re: polka. The rest is true.


Q: Welcome aboard! So far every series has had a human as the main/ship's doctor. Technically, Voyager's doctor was a hologram but he was a human hologram. How does it feel to be the first non-human ship's doctor in Star Trek history?

Byron F.


JB: It feels good! Checks cash! Checks cash for Denobulans and humans alike.


Q: In several Enterprise episodes, Dr. Phlox makes a huge smile with the sides of his mouth going all the way up near his eyes. I was wondering; was that done by CGI or makeup?



JB: The smile is CGI, the 18 inch tongue is all mine.


Q: Can you tell us anything about the film you co-starred in with Denzel Washington and when will it be shown.



JB: Yes. It's called "Out of Time." It will come out on October 10th and, much like a ground hog, it will retreat on October 12th. Only kidding, only kidding! I play Denzel's best friend, a scrofulous, amoral coroner.


Q: Have you ever thought of taking up a career as a comedian?



JB: I'm embarrassed to confess I have. Then I wake up from my nightmare.


Q: A menagerie of various unusual 'pets' live in Phlox's Sickbay. Do you have, or have you ever had, an unusual pet?



JB: I've had a variety of unusual cats, with peculiar dispositions, including one cat so vicious that it actually chased my friend — who was house-sitting — out of the house, naked, without his keys to get back in. The cat sprang on him as he emerged from the shower, and having been scratched by this cat once before, he was wise enough to flee, but not smart enough to pick the right door to flee through. He was found crouched in the hallway, naked, by my next-door neighbor who let him in.


Q: First, I'm really enjoying Enterprise and your character. Now, even though he is a physician-type person, do you hope that Dr. Phlox will get to kick some butt next season … maybe fighting his way to a patient in need?



JB: You may hope I kick butt, but I hope all the butch boys on the show keep doing the lion's share of the butt-kicking and they give me more love scenes. If my wife is reading this, I didn't say that. The typist is just typing away. She must be on drugs.


Q: Sir, do you have a favorite Star Trek series, other than "Enterprise"?



JB: hippietrek, I like your name. I love the original show and enjoyed Deep Space Nine but didn't have the time to follow it week-in, week-out so I eventually fell off the wagon with it.


Q: John, where did you grow up and what do your parents think about seeing you on television every week?



JB: We moved around a great deal, my father was a criminal. (Only kidding.) I lived primarily on the Eastern Seaboard. My mother passed away some years back. My father doesn't watch much television. On the other hand, he's happy I'm no longer on welfare.


Q: Hi John! I know you are a book worm, so if you were stuck on a desert island what is the ONE book you would have to have and why?



JB: The Collected Works of Shakespeare is the book that would take me the longest to read. Plus, I could learn a lot of monologues if I ever get picked up again.


Q: Star Trek frequently gives its actors a chance to direct. Are you interested in directing?



JB: I was a stage director, and love to work with actors and text, but film and television directing doesn't interest me very much. I'm ironically a bit of a technophobe and find the emphasis on handling the film-making technology to be unappealing. Dominic, on the other hand, does want to direct. The cast lives in terror of this day.


Q: Mr. Billingsley, what TV shows do you like to watch?



JB: Six Feet Under, The Sopranos. I was a Buffy [The Vampire Slayer] fan, Masterpiece Theatre, I watched The X-Files for a while, but eventually got exhausted by it. I have 24 on DVD, but haven't started watching it yet. Waiting for Alias to come out on DVD. Liked West Wing, have lost interest. Ditto ER. Still like Friends. (I know that makes me hateful in many people's eyes.) Ditto Frasier. God, I watch too much TV!


Q: Dr. Phlox has a lot of annoying personal rituals at night. Do you?



JB: Annoying? You find them to be annoying? Hmph! My wife would say that the aforementioned passing of gas approaches a ritualistic fervor. I would disagree, somewhat strenuously. I always read for an hour or so before bed. Plus four stiff tumblers of cheap gin.


Q: Thank you for taking the time to do this chat, and congratulations on the completion of another fine season of Enterprise. I hope you and all the cast know how much we enjoy this series and these characters you are creating. "Broken Bow," "Dear Doctor," "A Night in Sickbay," "The Breach," "Stigma" ... whether the stories consist of compelling drama and conflict or perfectly-timed comedy, the scenes between you and Scott Bakula really resonate with great chemistry, obvious talent, professionalism and just the right 'touch.' To what do you attribute the special quality that comes across in those scenes? And would you personally like to see Archer and his Chief Medical Officer in more conflict as they head into the third season and the Expanse?



JB: If you're looking for a job as my publicist, you're hired. You start Monday. Keep talking me up like that. Regarding my relationship with Scott, personally I think some of the homoerotic undertones should be brought to the surface. Along similar lines, more needs to be done with that beagle. Seriously, thank you very much. Those are very nice things to say. I agree with you, I think that there is room for more conflict between the captain and myself. Hell, between me and anybody.


Q: Hello from Canada! You looked very trim and fit this last season — any health tips?



JB: Oh, bless you! Appearing on a show with six hot bods pulls you into the gym again. Plus, no sweets, less booze, less starch, moderation in all things. Hallucinogenics keeps the bowels moving.


Q: Hi John. If you could act with any other actor/actress, who would it be? Thanks.



JB: Robin Leach. Only kidding. Meryl Streep is the sine qua non. Jack Nicholson. If I could go back in time, Spencer Tracy, Fredric March, Henry Fonda.


Q: Have you read the "Harry Potter" series and if so, did you like them?



JB: I'm up to book number 3 in the Harry Potter series.


Q: Hi Mr Billingsley. You recently did a convention series in Australia, how did you find the Australian fans?



JB: Australian fans great. Sadly, booze consumption was barred in convention hall. So I couldn't compare them to the Germans, much as I wanted to.


Q: Have you done any commercial work? I swear I keep seeing you in an anti-smoking ad campaign.

Brett G.


JB: That's me! Chuck the Chain Smoker. That was originally produced in 1998, for the state of Arizona, and after the Attorney Generals for a number of states settled their lawsuit with the tobacco companies, money was made available to air those spots all over the country. Wasn't I a porker then?


Q: What is the strangest thing that has happened to you since starting work on Enterprise?



JB: It's all been a wonderful experience. I was a poor theater actor (in the monetary sense) for nearly 20 years, so certainly the most pleasant aspect of all of this has been achieving a level of financial security I never dreamed possible. Plus, the babes.


Q: I'd like to know your opinion on something. If you could give Phlox another surname, or a first name, what would that name be?

Andre G.


JB: Given his three wives I would have to call him (Please stop me from cursing) Phlox. Richard Phlox. (It censored me!) I leave you to figure out what my nickname would be.


JB: What's it like playing opposite the sexy Connor Trinneer?



JB: I think you should ask Connor Trinneer what it's like playing against the sexy John Billingsley. Although he will tend to go on in his effusive praise of my many attributes. Connor is a sweetie. Everybody is. Couldn't be a nicer group of people to work with. Nobody takes themselves too seriously. P.S. – Don't you think Connor's sexy in an obvious way?


Q: What do you think of Sammy Sosa's corked bat situation?



JB: Poor Sammy. In so many people's minds there will now be an asterisk. Personally, I take him at his word. Witness the hundreds of bats in the [baseball] Hall of Fame that were X-rayed and came up clean. I myself, as an actor, use a metaphorical corked bat.


Q: Cool question. Who is your favorite baseball team?



JB: I am a [seattle] Mariners fan. They lead the division, and if they lose to the Yankees in the post season again, I might go on a killing rampage. Can I say that anymore? Do Republicans monitor these internet chats? If you don't see me in Season 3, I'm in one of Ashcroft's special prisons.


Q: Mr Billingsley, if you could be another character in the Star Trek universe, who would it be.



JB: The guy without a rubber head, ANY guy without a rubber head.


Q: Phlox samples many of Earth's foods to widen his palette. What are your favourite foods?



JB: This is my great weakness. The only thing I don't like is beets. Anything else, bring it on! While in Australia, I foolishly let my wife pet a kangaroo. Now I can no longer eat kangaroo. I will not allow my wife to pet anything else ever again, especially cows. Please do not send me shrimp scampi in the mail.


Q: What do you have planned for the rest of your day?



JB: I think I have an audition for a David Fincher movie. And failing that, a trip to the gym, run some lines, go out and get some kangaroo meat, and slip it by my wife for dinner tonight.


Q: What aspects of your character do you like best? And secondly, what new antibiotic will Dr. Phlox discover to help the crew of Enterprise?

Stephine H.


JB: I love the doctor's courage, his serenity in the face of danger, his zen-like poise, his sly sense of humor, his appetite for ... well, just about everything. Regarding your question about antibiotics ... hmmm ... I just learn the lines, darlin'. I know that Accutane kills pimples. And I believe Connor Trinneer is breaking out quite a bit these days. He's much handsomer on TV than he is in real life. [i'm] looking forward to the blackhead popping episode.


Q: What was it like the first time you were asked for your autograph?



JB: My mother asked me for my autograph when I was seven just to get me ready for the inevitable day. Thirty-five years later, I was asked again. My signature was remarkably similar. Seriously, I dig it. As I said, I was a poor theater actor for so many years, nobody knew who the hell I was, that all of the attention is a delight.


Q: Greetings from New Mexico! Have you ever thought or done any script writing for Star Trek or other TV shows/movies?



JB: I was a creative writing major in college. I studied with Bernard Malamud, one of the great writers of the post-war era, and he taught me one valuable lesson: that I should, under no circumstances, ever write. And I took that lesson to heart.


Q: How long does it take to do the make-up you wear, and is it uncomfortable?



JB: A general response to all your makeup questions: What makeup?


Only kidding. Two and a half hours to apply, half an hour to take off. Pretty comfortable, except for the contact lenses which inhibit my ability to read. And the prosthetic that I wear beneath my trousers, for the sake of character verisimilitude.


JB: I'm told it's time to start saying "Thanks for having me" etc., etc., etc. So, thanks for having me! I'll be in Las Vegas from August 1st through 3rd. They've allotted me five minutes in a Hilton broom closet. I'll be in Orlando in mid-November, and I think that's it for now.


Thanks for you time and answering all of out questions. Congrats to those who won the Dr. Phlox action figures! mikejmoe




See ya John, thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ens_keraz




Bye John. Thanks for brightening up a Scottish night away from the TV. nx74205


Mr. Billingsley, thank you for your time, it's been great. jure11874


Thanks very much, John. Your humor has been a nice change from the normal fare :angry: ppatters


JB: zerofunk, I want to go to Iceland! I hear you have tiny horses!


Thanks for being here John. You must be the Funniest person on the set. YOU ROCK JOHN. porthose


WE LOVE YOU! zerofunk


Thanks for answering! Hippietrek


Master Q

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Trekchat (and the message boards too) is rubbish. It's easy for hackers to boot you off the chat, and the messageboards are full of trolls or whingers.

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