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Where Have All the Heroes Gone

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When I started the posts "most admired man/woman" I expected many would name a parent or other parental figure. Some did but a lot said they couldn't think of anyone they admire. That reminded me of a special I saw on TV where they interviewed several adolescents who re-iterated the same thoughts. Interestingly, they said white youths in particular tended not to look up to heroes. Wonder why? Do you think in general we've run out of honorable people? Or maybe everything is presented in such cynical terms anymore we never hear about the good? Your thoughts?

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In my mind it's the people that put their own lives in danger to save someone else. Like firemen, police, rescue workers, and doctors etc, that are todays heroes.

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I agree with lollypop,on 9/11 alot of heros stepped up and many of them died trying to save lives. We still have alot of heros in Iraq trying to give the people there a better life than they've had in years.

There are many heros left in the world,so all is not lost.

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We live in large populations, where I think we may have lost the 'community spirit'. Unlike in my Grandfather's day -We don't tend to know about the average Joe Blow who volunteers large slices of time to a worthy cause, or the person who saved the local children during a flood.....


We live in an age where technology has helped us to achieve many great things. I think we take deeds and achievements for granted and tend not to acknowledge effort/bravery/inguenity/generosity/compassion. I applaud programs in communities where we step back and acknowledge people who contribute to society in a special way, including programs which acknowledge our parents and families.


When I watched a documentary on the climbing of Everest, I was impressed, that with limited technology and with limited help, Tenzing Norgay and Hillary accomplished such an incredible feat. Would I be so impressed if the climb was completed for the first time yesterday with all of the technological equipment climbers use today?


Men landing on the Moon- incredible- but I'm sure many of us don't take the time to think about the achievements being made today by men and women in the space program, medical science, and everyday life....


Maybe we all just have to take time out to find out what is happening around us and consider who we admire and why? :)

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I think there are many nameless/faceless heros out there in society performing small tasks that change the lives of others. These people wouldn't win and awards for their service but they've helped better the life of a child, an elderly person, someone disabled, etc. These "heros" don't ask for anything in return, they do it for love, or for the mere fact that it needs doing. These are the ones that help better society in small ways that put together add up to larger improvements.


Instead of calling them nameless/faceless, maybe I should have refered to them as "unsung heros."

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Lollypop speaks the truth there, that's for sure. Any one who can risk their life for another certifable hero. Why don't youths look up at heros? That's a good question..could be that they don't wan't to put faith in someone only to be dissapointed in the end.

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THERE ARE HEROES OUT THERE!!!! but saddly the media only shows the bad in everything. theres not much left good in the news anymore. as far as sports heros or movie star heros, theres so much they all do, such as drugs, murder, and any other horrible thing you can think of, theres nothing for the youth of our world to look upto anymore, so i think parents, and family members need to step up, and give our youth something to look up to. IMHO.

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