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Kruger Takes “Carter” To Mars

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Screenwriter Ehren Kruger (The Ring) told Now Playing magazine that his script for the upcoming film version of Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter of Mars series will hew closely to the books. “It's a faithful adaptation to the novels, but the novels were written in the teens and '20s, so there's some degree of modernisation just to the tone of them,” Kruger told the magazine. “But in terms to the story, we are trying to be as faithful as we can, because those novels inspired a lot of the science fiction and fantasy that came later in the century.”


Kruger is working with director Kerry Conran (Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow*), who will be designing much of the film's otherworldly effects.


The original John Carter books centred on a Civil War veteran who finds himself transplanted to the Red Planet, where he gets caught up in adventures involving a beautiful princess, giant green barbarians and epic battles.


Kruger is also adapting Annette Curtis Klause's Blood and Chocolate, which he calls “a werewolf story like Interview With a Vampire was a vampire movie. It's a little more gothic in its treatment of the mythology and what the werewolf metaphor has always been about since the days of Lon Chaney. It has a real following, and we've taken a few liberties with the novel. But, hopefully, the fans will be forgiving.”



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This is the first I've heard of this. That does sound promising.. I liked the John Carter series alot. The books were very entertaining..

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