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Shadows and Symbols

What rating would you give "Shadows and Symbols"?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. What rating would you give "Shadows and Symbols"?

    • 5. It's great, I loved it!
    • 4. It's good
    • 3. It's average
    • 2. It's not that good
    • 1. I hated it!

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A 4 rating. Never mind the search for the orb on Tyree's desert. The best part of this ep is when Worf and crew destroy a Dominion shipyard earning Jadzia's place in STO-VO- KOR.


Eh...I tend to agree. They probably knew the ep was going to be a bust; that's why they added the one surefire ingredient to make it better: Klingons.

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A 4 rating. Never mind the search for the orb on Tyree's desert. The best part of this ep is when Worf and crew destroy a Dominion shipyard earning Jadzia's place in STO-VO- KOR.


Eh...I tend to agree. They probably knew the ep was going to be a bust; that's why they added the one surefire ingredient to make it better: Klingons.




Exactly! .... and welcome aboard!!!! :laugh:

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4. At first, I didn't understand why they brought the Benny Russell bit back. I thought that cheapened the "Far Beyond The Stars" episode to bring it back, but when the Prophet/Sarah explained it, I thought...brilliant. I'm not too proud to admit I was wrong about that one at first. And yes, the Klingons were awesome. I loved the bar scene before that... Miles says he's coming along, and Julian says, "Miles, I'm touched." And Quark responds with, "I think you're both touched." Classic comedy line right there. Again, could have done without the Mexican standoff between Bajorans and Romulans.

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