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Maybe I'm wierd but..

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Ok, here's the situation:


I go to this college, and just recently they had this concert featuring some rap artist. Now, they had a lockdown on the university and had security at the event.


Now my question is:


Why have an event that requires security and a lockdown?!




I've been wondering this for awhile as well so I'll add it as a bonus question:

I don't live in the dorms but I've been in one and those places are in rough shape.


Why do people vandalize dorms when that will increase their cost to live there!?


Can someone please explain this to me? And, thank you in advance if you can.

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Why does the national guard stand around in Penn station and do nothing but drink coffe and eat donuts?


becuase its supposed to a preventative device so that bad things won't happen

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They usually expect the most trouble with either rap or heavy metal concerts, and they wanted to protect both students and property. Plus, now with the new report of terrorists targeting major gatherings, they could have had a contingency for an attack as well.

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Whats the point of Homeland security?


Premtive strike thats what(and a waste of peoples money BOO)


The point is : Its profiling.Not all rap or rock crowds will become violent but some do.So we prevent that when we hire uber security

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The point is : Its profiling.Not all rap or rock crowds will become violent but some do.So we prevent that when we hire uber security




And the saddest thing is that the media seems to only focus on the bad events that happen. Because for them, "Whats the fun of doing a story about a rap or metal concert that goes on without a hitch, no one getting shot or beaten up and nothing set on fire?" Even though I do not follow rap, and I only occasionally listen to certain metal songs..I really think that the whole bad image thing is exaggerated at least a little bit. True they do not help better their images by dressing like hoodlums on occasion(mostly the rappers I am referring to, though some rockers do this as well)...but still.



But then you can expand it and go why do they have rioting in the streets when one team beats another team? Why are the police called out to use tear gas on crowds, all because one sports team won instead of the other? And again, these are isolated events.. they are not the standard fare I am sure! I went to the Jaguars vs. Saints game in 2003(was playing music outside the stadium and also got to watch a portion of the game in the stands :angry: ) and there was that controversial pass, but you did not see all hell being raised all over Jacksonville over it by the New Orleans fans just because it did not go in their favor. Part of the image issue is media induced.


But I can see heightened security being done, though a lot of people think it is a bit much. They are trying to protect not only the performers and staff but also the general public watching the event.



Let me put it this way.. I competed in Orlando, at Nationals for my age group and level in gymnastics(Level 8) in 1998. And we had heightened security...well before the whole Homeland Security set in. It seemed almost ridiculous to some that this much security was present at a gymnastics competition(we and our audiences are definately not known for being a roudy crew), but in the end there were no security issues that we were aware of. Even with the fact that later on it was discovered that there may have been a celebrity or two viewing the event from the pressbox.

Edited by Yillara_Soong

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