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Save Enterprise Chat Transcript

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Save Enterprise Chat Transcript



ddillard has joined the chat.

[n999] hello ddillard

[master_q] Hi Dillard :dude:

[MrPsychic] hey dillard

[Lt._Van_Roy] Uh, he *doesn't* get all the girls.

[Airies] greetings ddillard

[Capt_Picard] he is final here

[n999] :clap

[ddillard] phew, almost forgot

[spaceTigger] Hello

[Capt_Picard] I now call to order that "Save Enterprise or Forget upn" meeting

[master_q] I'll edit the portal and say that the meeting is in progress right now...

[ddillard] Ok, give me just one second, kinda running like a chicken with his head cut off and I need a soda.

[MrPsychic] ::watches dillard crash into the fridge:: uh, you might want to open it first....

[MrPsychic] :biggrin:

Mike_Hines01 has joined the chat.

Mike_Hines01 has left the chat.

[ddillard] Ok, I am better now

[MrPsychic] what soda did you get?

[Capt_Picard] I read a story once where a guy try to cut off a chickens head but missed so the head was hlaf off and he showed all around his state

[spaceTigger] I didn't like the finality of UPN's final episodes of Enterprise promo last night.. :/

[Capt_Picard] feed the thing with a tear dropper

[Capt_Picard] I was about to punch my TV

[MrPsychic] I think UPN is basically washing their hands of Star Trek

[ddillard] First off I want to reasure everyone that the current issue with the petition page has not cost us any progress. I have extracted all of the signatures and located the problem. Just waiting for VBG to come online so that it can be corrected

[spaceTigger] That's great!

[Capt_Picard] I think he is online right now... I saw his name light up on the front page

[ddillard] One of these days those hackers will learn not to mess with STF considering they have a hacker on staff. lol

[spaceTigger] :Lol

[ddillard] ok, I have already sent him a PM to tell him of what I have found to be the issue

[Capt_Picard] I can get you a virus to send they guy so his hard drive melts

[Capt_Picard] I'm in a computer class for networking

[ddillard] No I don't do virus'

[Airies] back in 5 min.

[ddillard] viola the petition is fixed thanks to our fearless leader

[Capt_Picard] well it would only be payback

[ddillard] I don't do revenge, it just causes a never ending loop

[Capt_Picard] ok.. I get it...*hides*

[ddillard] Ok news on the petition so that everyone knows.

[tokar] help taking care of my brother. his 7 year old daughter is here she is being a monster.I wont go into the story thoose who know me know it

[ddillard] We will be having it professionally printed.

[ddillard] It will also be bound with a wire coil and have a black vinyl front and back cover

[MrPsychic] tokar, I have some sedatives if you wanted :(

[master_q] Sounds good, Dillard. :(

[spaceTigger] Sounds nice DD..Who is it going to be delivered to ?

[tokar] got my own

[MrPsychic] ah

[ddillard] Currently it is 312 pages long, but still have a few more sigs to add so probably looking at another ten to twenty pages

[Capt_Picard] I think this should get to UPN on the day of the rally... it would be a stronger case... and maybe a copy sent to Sci-Fi or a news place

[tokar] but mine stingy not want to share

[ddillard] Right now we are going to be sending a copy to Mr. Moonves and to Paramount. We are also considering sending a copy to Sci Fi

pittykitty has joined the chat.

pittykitty has joined subroom: Trivia

[master_q] Maybe when it is all ready to go, you can snap a picture of it, and put it up at

[master_q] (No trivia today.)

[ddillard] Already planned on posting a pic of it

pittykitty has left the chat.

[MrPsychic] eh, she'll figure it out <_<

[Capt_Picard] I'm surprise The King isn't here

[master_q] Well, that sounds good. You deserve a lot of credit. You are doing a ton of work and we are all proud of you. :)

Lt._Van_Roy has left the chat.

[Capt_Picard] sorry I can't pay you... how about a big thank you

[recycle] back

[n999] wb recycle

[ddillard] I am just doing what any of us would do to help to save Enterprise.

[recycle] ty saw fire department down road think cafe burned

tokar has joined the chat.

[recycle] wb

[Capt_Picard] good thing you're doing the printing... I have to printer

[Capt_Picard] no*

[ddillard] I think that all of the mods and the members of STF deserve equal credit for our efforts. Without the help of our members and the other mods there would be nothing for us to do.

[master_q] True-True!

[Capt_Picard] without Trek we wouldn't know one and other

[ddillard] We are having it professionally printed as it is cheaper and higher quality that way

[Capt_Picard] a world without trek... that's scarey

[ddillard] I am also working on the video letters. So far I have received two of them and they are outstanding. I think that it is a good idea as there is no way that those could be faked as they can see the person face to face that recorded the letter

[tokar] this @##$%^%^&*&%$##@@ thing cuys out when it feels like it

[Capt_Picard] I'll have my video letter done by next weekend I hope

[Capt_Picard] clam down tokar

[ddillard] Once I have enough of them I will be compiling them to a dvd, complete with menus and such and will be sending them to upn, paramount and the scifi channel

[tokar] iam fine capt

[Capt_Picard] ddillard... I was just woundering if you would also put the petition on the DVD

[tokar] SIR

Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy has joined the chat.

[Capt_Picard] I'm no sir... I'm only 18

[MrPsychic] wb lizzy

[master_q] (I guess you have so many windows open you did not see the chat-pm box) Is Chase Masterson going to be joining us, Dillard?

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] thank u

[Airies] back

[n999] wb Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy Airies

[ddillard] ok, give me just a sec to catch up on your questions I was sending vbg another pm

[Airies] ty

[tokar] young one my puter is messed up can only do certain things willcut off at any time will have to restart

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] ty

[ddillard] As for the petition on the dvd, I had planned on making it into a slide show to add to the dvd so that it would slowly go through each page of the petition. When that is done I will also post it on the boards for all to see.

[ddillard] As for chase she will not be joining us today but we are trying to work out a time for her to join us for a chat.

[master_q] OK :)

[Capt_Picard] if you need any help my school also can make dvds and we are also good at editing'

[ddillard] I can handle pretty much all of it. I have all of the equipment that I will need right here. I am a computer geek after all, lol.

tokar has left the chat.

[Airies] Gotta go feed the kids. Peace be with you all. "Save Enterprise!"

Airies has left the chat.

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] who the chat

[ddillard] But the biggest help that everyone could do towards the video letter dvd would be to make them. I want to have seval hours on the dvd before we send it.

[Capt_Picard] so am I... but I will kill the nearest Mac I can find

[spaceTigger] How many do you have now ?

[ddillard] two so far, not counting my own

[Capt_Picard] I'll be making one Space Tigger

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] bbl

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] bye

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] or when the neext time i come on

[MrPsychic] bye Lizzy

[Capt_Picard] I plan on doing the transporter effect in mine

[master_q] That's cool :)

[spaceTigger] I made one but I didn't like how it came out. 'm too much of a critic. I'm going to try again..

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] it going to be quick

[Capt_Picard] and I'm working on a phaser effect

[MrPsychic] don't use too many effects

[ddillard] It would honestly be easier if everyone just sent in the plain jane video. If you want to do one with effects you can send that as well, but please send me one copy that is plain so that I can ensure that pretty much everything is uniform.

[Capt_Picard] ok... but I would like to make this with all I know because I might use it to get in a good college

[ddillard] I believe that adding to many effects into each individual video will cause them to not have the same effect when sent

[master_q] You can make two then, Capt_Picard.

[Capt_Picard] ok

[ddillard] and also the effects cause the video size to become larger which could present an issue as I am limited on the space that we have to upload them to.

[Capt_Picard] well... not really

[Capt_Picard] all depened on what you use to make it

[ddillard] The information that I have been sharing to upload them to is for my business site, and if the storage quota is exceeded then my entire business goes offline

[Capt_Picard] oh... ok

n999 has left the chat.

[ddillard] I just prefer to have the plain jane videos, I think that if we use alot of effects in some videos and not in others it will appear to have been thrown together and unorganized

[master_q] ---Makes sense

[ddillard] Also, I SEVERELY urge everyone to keep up the letter writing and to send a letter each week to let them know that you have watched the show and liked it. That is one of the biggest things that can help to save the show

[Capt_Picard] ok... no effects... but if you don't mind I would like yo make a 30 sec video for the site also

[MrPsychic] but what if you're illiterate dillard...?

[ddillard] VBG has even put together a letter that you can print out and sign for that purpose.

[MrPsychic] hooray!

[MrPsychic] hehe

[MrPsychic] :blink:

[master_q] lol

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[ddillard] you can find it by going to the subdomain that he has setup for the campaign at

[MrPsychic] ok

[Capt_Picard] don't blam Mr.P... he was only in 3rd grade 4 years

[ddillard] Does anyone have any questions about the campaign or our efforts?

[MrPsychic] teacher said I was special....

[spaceTigger] I can't stay any longer. I need to take care of some things offline..Peace to you all...And Save Enterprise !!!

[MrPsychic] bye tigger

[master_q] Bye SpaceTigger

[ddillard] I do also want to urge everyone to listen to Chase's radio show at on Mondays she is dedicating the entire month to the cause.

[ddillard] bye tigger.

[spaceTigger] Bye..Talk to ya later..

SpaceTigger has left the chat.

Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy has left the chat.

okar has joined the chat.

[ddillard] Also, if you have not signed the petition yet please do so, we will be closing it sunday night so that it can be sent to the printers on monday, but please if you have already signed it, DO NOT sign it a second time. It is really time consuming to go through to delete duplicate signatures.

[master_q] The admin of's message board may be joining us.

[ddillard] cool

[Capt_Picard] sweet

[MrPsychic] I'll be good and won't attack him <_<

[Capt_Picard] I was listening to dragonfire mp3... way cool

[Capt_Picard] *puts lesh on MrP

[MrPsychic] :biggrin: only freek can do that...

[master_q] It was pretty neat :dude: Glad you got the chance to listen to it.

[Capt_Picard] lol

[Capt_Picard] I'l go get here MrP

[MrPsychic] freek was banned from here for awhile :blink:

[ddillard] Yes, the show was great. Was nice to have a place to voice our thoughts on the cancellation

[Capt_Picard] I have her on AIM

[MrPsychic] oh ok

[Capt_Picard] man... she is not on

[master_q] However, the admin of might join us late (if at all). The guest chat threw off our time-flow.

[Capt_Picard] I just want 3 more season of trek

[MrPsychic] she has church tonight picard

[Capt_Picard] oh... didn't know

[tokar] does any one think he left it open for a movie

[master_q] I emailed a couple of talk radio programs for you Dillard, but I do not have any kind of inside or semi-inside connection to them so nothing will probably happen. However, at least I tried.

[master_q] Leo Laporte at KFI was one of them. I am sure you know him.

[MrPsychic] I emailed Coast to Coast AM about having Rick Berman on, but they didn't send any response back :(

[ddillard] Thanks, if you hear back just let me know

[Capt_Picard] ... that is the radio show I'm on in Seattle... once T-Man gets back from his break I'll be calling in to save that show

[ddillard] Also, I just finished PM'ing with VBG and we have decided that we are going to be sending a copy of the petition to SciFi as well.

[Capt_Picard] I mean save Enterprise

[tokar] cool

[Capt_Picard] thats grrrreat!

[master_q] I hear that in a couple of weeks a few of the actors from Enterprise will be on Coast To Coast AM. Maybe they will get Tim or you Dillard on.... You never know.. They have the phone numbers & emails.

[MrPsychic] I'll go on, sure I'm just a lowly member here, but I do know my Trek :(

[ddillard] After the final version to be mailed is complete the petition will remain open for signatures, but will have a note of signatures 1 through X were physically sent, since the url for the petition is going to be on the printed copy that will allow more signatures to be added in case they do check out the online version.

[MrPsychic] not the business end of Trek, the details of the show

tokar] WoW q thats great

[ddillard] I have been keeping my phone charged at all times so as to be ready if I get any calls.

[Capt_Picard] I know a great deal of Trek and medai so I am always ready to help

[MrPsychic] I'd be willing to get a tattoo on me if you think that would help :)

[ddillard] My email is acting kinda screwy right now though. I just got an email that was sent to me on thursday.

[Capt_Picard] get it on your forehead

[tokar] dill i could not sign yhe petion was hacked

[ddillard] I think that it had to do with someone trying to email me their video letter which definitely exceeds my email storage and is clogging things up a little.

Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy has joined the chat.

[ddillard] it is now available for signing again, thanks to our fearless leader VBG.

[MrPsychic] wb lizzy

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] ty

[tokar] be back

tokar has left the chat.

[ddillard] Also, How many people watched Enterprise last night?

[master_q] I actually did record it. (I know it has been a while.) I will watch it after this chat.

[Capt_Picard] well if by some chance we fail... I'll be down in l.a. getting me some of the set of Enterprise... I really want the ready room set

[ddillard] What did everyone think of the advertisement they are doing now about "These are the final episodes."

[Capt_Picard] I did

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] all i canme in here for is bye i got to leave i am at my friend's house my internet is not fix so the next i can get on here is my cousin's house chat with u on march 13 Saturday

[ddillard] Take care lizzy

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] ok u too

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] bye all

[master_q] Bye Lizzy

[Capt_Picard] I thought "upn if you were a person I get Kane from Smack Down to KO you

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] who

[ddillard] Myself it just increased my resolve to keep on fighting

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] nevermind

[Capt_Picard] Lizzy the 13 of march id a sunday

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] really i know that

[master_q] I heard back from The Dragon Page. They might do another show on this topic in the upcoming future.

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] that my cousin alexis birthday party

[ddillard] If they do, they know how to contact me, lol.

necthana has joined the chat.

[Capt_Picard] thast great news master q

[MrPsychic] hey necthana

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] before i go

[necthana] hi psy

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] has been kenny looking for mnw

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] me

[MrPsychic] not that I know of

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] ok

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] well if u guys see kenny tell him hi for me

[MrPsychic] ok

[Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy] bye again

Deanna_Troi_Fan_Lizzy has left the chat.

[ddillard] I will have to be going soon, got to go get me some food, just realized I have not eaten today.

[MrPsychic] I have no clue who kenny is :)

[Capt_Picard] bring back a pizza

[MrPsychic] brb

[master_q] (Me neither, MrPsychic.)

[Capt_Picard] and I'm not joking

[master_q] OK, Dillard, thank you for chatting with us. I have the transcript here.

[necthana] brb going to get some dinner

[Capt_Picard] thansk dude... All for Trek, and Trek for all!!!

[master_q] Do you want me to send it to you so you can look over it?

[necthana] its one for all, all for one

[master_q] Or just post it in the chat room and save ent forums?

[ddillard] Also, just as a note if anyone missed the post by VBG if anyone wants to make a donation to help with the printing costs they can do so by paypal by clicking on the paypal icon in his or any of the other mods sigs. It is not required but we wanted to through it out there if anyone wanted to since the printing alone is goingto be a hundred dollars. Anyone who donates will have the gold press latinum icon added to their profile as a sustaining member.

[MrPsychic] back

[ddillard] MQ if you could post it for me I would appreciate it, I am going to go get some chinese

[MrPsychic] I've donated

[MrPsychic] I've donated

[master_q] OK. Enjoy yourself. :)

[MrPsychic] whoops :)

[ddillard] Okay everyone have a great day.

[master_q] You too

[Capt_Picard] I can't... don't know how

[ddillard] And remember SAVE ENTERPRISE IT MUST LIVE ON

[master_q] Bye now...

ddillard has left the chat.





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