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~ What Color 'Is' You? Feel the Power. ~

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The colors of the Rainbow have profound Powers as One Visualizes them and feels them directly. The following are some of the Powers of the colors:


1. Red - Divine Love; Physical Control; Virility; Strength; Memory; Life Force; Attention.


2. Orange - Emotional Control; Body of Desire; Sensations; Vitality; Joy; Concentration.


3. Yellow - Mental Control, Dispels Evil Thought; Control of the Intellect; Thought Control; Observation.


4. Green - Invironmental Control, Poise and Balance; Healing; Awakening of Intuition; Hope; Psychic Power; Meditation.


5. Blue - Creative Control, Inner Peace; Creative Powers; Truth; Rhythm;Past Perception; Vibrations; Hidden Potential; Higher Mind; Writing; Singing; Poetry; Past Lives & Contemplation.


6. Violet - Individual Control, Transmutation Ray to Break from Discordant Thoughts; Insight; Imagination; Aura Perception; Third Eye; Color-Light-Size-Shape-Depth Perception; Mind's Eye; Precognition; Prophecy; Individuality and Super Consciousness.


7. Indigo - Universal Control, At-Oneness; Beingness; Brings You to Universal Being; Unity; Wholeness; Cosmic Consciousness.


8. Gold -Master Mind Control, Mind; Divine Mastery, Realization as a Child of God; Realization; Cosmic Being; Wisdom; Master Consciousness; Buddha Consciousness.


9. White - Mind of Light Control, Purity; Perfection; Illumination; the Sustainer; Resurrection and Ascension; Christ Consciousness; Light Being.

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I don't believe in that gobbly gook but I'd be orange (happens to be my fav color besides rainbow too!)




Not nice, Ss. :look: Be nice, there is alot of make-believe in here :yes: Lighten up will ya. :frusty::look:

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I don't see a link so do we just pick our favorite... Um Black but that's not listed so I'll go with gold (minus the Budda implications) because I use it here.

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Ss brought up the Buddah implication. I thought I edited out any reference to religion in the beginning of the post. I kept it sort of Generic, or so I thought. :look::look:


But anyway, I am a blend of four colors, from what I feel about myself. Green, Blue and Violet/Indigo. :frusty: I feel comfortable with that. :yes:

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Buhdda spiritualism and that stuff isn't to be taken lightly  :frusty:



I totally agree

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is my inner colour


Sidenote chose pre Dominion eps of DS9 although the addition of the Defiant was impressive for a Starship that size ("and the only series to have a II year War Arc")

and both Dax's added there unique personalities to the Group on the Space Station remember Bashir finally got Dax but just in a Different form.

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