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Heros come in all shapes and sizes. They can be your parents even your pet. What I would like to know is who everyone's hero is.

My hero is...well this is going to sound stupid; but my hero is one of my friends. He doesn't wear a cape or play sports. Heck he isn't even famouse. He is however a demi-god at DDR and the Guru of Martail Arts, I play DDR and do Martail Arts, but I am limited in my skills on DDR and my Martail Art abilities are kind of rusty, but I can hold my own against him. He is my hero because he is such a great person; he is willing to help others, even if they didn't ask for it. My hero is just a great person and an even better friend; he doesn't have super powers, a cape and he's not famuse, he's just him. There is no other way to put it.

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