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Crop Circles

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I watched a very interesting show on TV the other night about Crop Circles, it blew me away to say the least.

I have read a bit about them but have never seen actual footage of them,

some people that i have spoken to about them say that they are man made

( why do so many people fear what they dont understand ?)

but im convinced that no human beings could get something that big, so symetricaly perfect and produce them over night.


There where alot of crop circle experts from around the world being interviewed and most of them stated the same experiences of feeling light headed or experiancing servear head aches when in the middle of the circle. they also said that there are some forms of electrical currents that surround the outside of the circle and mobile phones and other such divices do not work when you stand near them and when you fly over the top of the sites, eveything electrical in the air craft will stop working for a few seconds.


They also say that there have been a few sightings of five or six small balls of light swooping around wheat fields during the night and people wake in the morning to find these amazing patterns.


What do you think about them...are they someone trying to communicate with us or do some people have very clever neighbours.

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Most crop circles are hoaxes. It was proven that crop circles can be produced by wood, twine, people, and time. It took people 5 hours to make one.

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Most crop circles are hoaxes, just as We'reBorg said... Though there is a certain percentage of them that remain unexplained..


I remember there was an odd formation created out of ice at this one place, but I forgot the location.... :lol:


I think it was either Linda Moulton Howe, or someone else, who said that out of the percentage of crop circles, that 20% remain unexplained, whilst the rest can be deemed as hoaxes.


If they are created by nonhumans, I think we could find other things to blame rather than just thinking it is just flying saucers and greys making 'em.


Edited by drwho42

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Yes, what I've watched on crop circles always include the known hoaxes. These guys had big pieces of plywood on their feet which they used to flatten the corn.


And don't forget how conveniently some crop circles appeared just before the movie Signs opened.


I guess the other 20% were made by whoever carved the images in the Nasca dessert.

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Back in the 90's I went round dousing some crop circles and there is a measurable invisable energy pattern in some crop circles.


Lots were human made circles and generally the fakers started their pastime as a laugh, but then the makers would feel the patterns and locations were being inspired from a higher source.


There are of course a lot more places that have energy lines that do not have crop circles.


I think the one with the six balls of light is the Oliver's Castle footage, the person who took the film, alledgedly knew how to fake footate and could not be contacted again.


I don't know how it is now, but it looked like a money go round was brewing then.



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I think it's something more like only 5 to 10% are unexplained, and there are a couple of cases where they weren't crop circles, but PORTRAITS!! :lol:


These were done in less time then anyone could naturally do them, and these are the most complex designs ever seen to date.


Just for a bit of fun i'd like to see a crop maze created though, cause it'd show the aliens had a sense of humor :hug:.

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In Sarah Moran's book " Alien Art " she has a chapter on The cliff dwelling Native Americans called the Anasazi, she writes....

Traditional Native American beliefs as to the origin of there customs focus on the ancient civilization which worship the sun and many of the tribal stories handed down through generations talk of "star people " who came to earth bringing great wisdom with them, there are also records telling of early crop circles and the Anasazi belived these where the work of the " star people "

Nearly every tribe tells stories of '' sky ropes " that enabled these visitors to travel from there home planet to earth.


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