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Giving Fabio the Bird...

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Does anyone remember this? This is one good reason not to portray a flase god... the real God just might give you the bird!


(The picture does contain some blood so I'm putting it in a spoiler)


Click For Spoiler


Celebrity  Humor From Beyond

Fabio really gets the bird!


Fabio got an added thrill Tuesday while promoting a new roller coaster ride called "Apollo's Chariot."  Sometime during that rapid roller coaster ride, the fab Fabio was struck in his big handsome face by an oncoming bird.  Fortunately, the hunky Fabio did not receive any serious injuries to that handsome face of his.  I think the one inch cut he did receive, should add some character to that blandly beautiful face of his. 


But there is such a delicious sense of irony in all this, it makes me wonder, did Zeus, being bored on this particular Tuesday, look down upon the goings on at Bush Gardens, and then turn to Apollo and say, "Look at those mortals down there Apollo!  They have named a thrill ride after you!  Isn't that nice?  And they are using a Modern Day 'Adonis' vs. Ancient-Day 'Sun God' theme, to  promote it!  And look at the women he's got all around him!  Just think, if he really believed in us like that goofy blonde Morris hangs out with does, he would probably share with you!"  And did Apollo then turn to Zeus and say, "Oh yeah!  Well he may be riding in a 'chariot' named after me, and he may have all the girls, but let me show you how this 'Ancient Day' Deity gives a pretty boy 'Adonis' like that the bird!"


Which leaves me wondering, if my theory is right, did Apollo send his message on the wings of a snow white dove?  The story doesn't say what kind of bird it was that struck Fabio in the face.  I figure it can't be much bigger than a dove though, or he would have sustained worse injuries than he did.  Which is why he should look on the bright side of this incident, and thank Apollo himself, that wasn't a west Texas buzzard that collided with him while he was riding in that speeding chariot.


And after seeing the picture that accompanied this story,  I couldn't help but wonder to myself if Fabio is having as much trouble believing that was really a bird, as we do with believing that stuff we slather on our muffins, is really butter.  Though in all fairness to the absolutely gorgeous, but somewhat perpetually confused hunk, anybody might have a little trouble believing he or she had just been struck by an oncoming bird, while taking the newest thrill ride at Busch Gardens.  I mean, when you think about all the terrible things that can go wrong on a roller coaster ride, being struck right between your baby blues by a bird, is really the last thing one would expect.  Being splattered by something that definitely isn't butter, might raise an eyebrow in a situation like this, but being decked between your eyes by the bird itself, is the kind of event that might leave anybody a wee bit dazed and confused.


© 1999 Beyond Blonde


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