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Star Ship Delta

Inside the Mind of Someone Decidedly Different

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Computer, start log:


Well, it's my second day at this forum, and I like it. Besides, it gives me an excuse to put off least for a while. We're moving to Nevada. Don't get me wrong, I really want to go, just all the packing is getting tiring. That and the heat...heat is alright, if you have air conditioning, or some other way to get out if it once in a while, but in this house, which has minimal air's not fun. I've been up to 1 am almost every night this's not cool enough to sleep until then. But hey, look on the bright gives me a perfect excuse to stay up half the night on the computer! :(


Though as of Sunday (the 15th) My computer is gonna be parents want it put away so we can get the carpets I'm gonna be using theirs for a week or so...their's is faster then mine, but has no IM, and I'll be sharing with 4 other people, so I won't get too much time on. I know I'm gonna go through internet withdrawels, but I keep telling's only a week, it's only a :oops2:


But man...I must be sounding really whinyhere...actually things are going good...moving down there means I get to start on my acting classes seriously, and see about landing some parts! :cool2:Lol...I'm sure it'll be a while until that happens, but at the same time I'm sure it will. So that makes me REALLY happy!!


Anyway...I don't know how much longer I can put this stuff being one of the strong ones in the family I should go see if my dad wants to move more furniture! :( Wish me luck sitting out all day for a moving sale...and catch you all later


:blink: :( :( :(

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Good Luck SSD, see you back here soon :blink: It would be hard for anyone of us to stay away for a whole week. :( Make sure you have plenty of chocolate. :( And keep a paper and pen close by so you can write down any ideas you come up with in the meantime.

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Hiya everyone...I think first and formost I owe you all an explanation, and apology for having disappeared for so long...


I did finally get my move done, it was the move from hell! We were supposed to get a 24 foot truck, we even reserved it, but when it came time to pick it up there wasn't a truck to have! We even went to the next town over, and they didn't have one either! :huh: So we ended up with two 14 foot trucks, we loaded up the first one, and my dad and I came down with it (6 hour drive one way in one of those trucks) unloaded it that night, came back the next day, loaded the other truck, and came back down again with everyone the day after that...made for a very long weekend...


I did get my computer up like a week and a half ago, but we couldn't get broadband back right away, so were on dial up, which stunk. What was really bad was I could barly load this site with dial up, which is why I wasn't around...


Anyway, enough of my carrying


I'm back and good, I missed you guys and am glad to be back! Reno is an awesome town, and I am loving it here! Anyway, I probably should be heading off for a while, I'm working an event at the Convention Center, and have been on my feet for like 10 hours a day for the past couple of days, and am doing it again tomorrow. But the $$$ I'll make is almost enough to pay for my headshots that I need for acting, so it's all good :wow:


You'll be seeing me around alot more talk at you all again soon :wow::hug:

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