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master_q's Official Star Trek Trivia

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Official Star Trek Trivia

Session #21


Results from Saturday's trivia session:


First Place:


Points Made: 26


Second Place:


Points Made: 18



Points Made: 14



Points Made: 12



Points Made: 6



Points Made: 4



Points Made: 2


Preview of Questions Asked:


Q1: In the last two seasons of DS9, who created the holoprogram that, became popular among the station crew?

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Answer: Felix





Q7: What does the following indicate: "Code One Alpha Zero"?

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Answer: A ship is in distress





Q8: What is the name of the only settlement on Nimbus III?

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Answer: Paradise City





Q9: What alien starship was the first known example of a practical cloaking device?

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Answer: Romulan Bird of Prey





Q11: What did Paris consider as comfort food?

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Answer: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich





Q15: What romantic novel did Quark recommend to Odo?

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Answer: Vulcan Love Slave





Q16: Who is Boothby? In what episode did we first hear about him?

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Answer: He is the groundskeeper at the Starfleet Academy. We first heard about him in "Final Mission."





Q19: What game did Garak and Nog play in "Empok Nor"?

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Answer: Kotra





Q20: What martial arts skill did Riker and his father share?

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Answer: Anbo-yjtsu





Q21: A _________________________ can be used in the production of reverse-ratcheting routing planers.

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Answer: self-sealing stem bolt





Q24: Who was the Starfleet officer who commanded the U.S.S. Rutledge during the Cardassian war? [First & Last Name]

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Answer: Captain Benjamin Maxwell





Q40: What song did Vic and Sisko sing as a duet in "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang"?

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Answer: "The Best Is Yet to Come"



Next Chat Room Trivia Session:

Saturday, August 14, at 4:00pm ET



Master Q

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