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Fantastic Four Casting

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From Scifi wire

Confirming earlier rumors, Fox has signed Michael Chiklis, Ioan Gruffudd and Chris Evans as three-fourths of the Fantastic Four, Variety reported. Chiklis (TV's The Shield) will play Ben Grimm/The Thing; Gruffudd (King Arthur) will play Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic, and Evans will play Johnny Storm/The Human Torch, the trade paper reported.



I have no idea who Chris Evans is - no photo at IMDB but I remember Chiklis from the Commish and The Shield though I never watched the latter. Gruffudd will always be Horatio Hornblower to me. I am so glad to see him getting movie roles.

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I hope they do a good job with this one, the last one that came out (yes, there's an older movie) has been rediculed and joked about quite a bit, Wizard magazine didn't take too high a regard for the older version. And rumors about a new version have been about for years with possible actors also, i hope this is the real deal.

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I wasn't aware that there was a movie before !! How old is it and is it really bad ? I am looking forward to this new Fantastic 4 movie..I have been for quite a while..Always loved reading the comics as a kid..BTW, any word on who is going to play the 4th member...The Invisible Woman ?

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Uhhh, i have the magazine but they don't say much *goes to check for the issue*; 1994, oddly enough. And according to Wizard issue #99, on page 176 of their 10 most embarrissing moments, the movie ranks 3rd. :blinks: I doubt it's THAT bad.

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