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Another Time Travel Question?

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There seems to be a feeling that changes in one planet's timeline would affect only that planet. But wouldn't a change in Earth's history potentially change the history of other planets. Would this extend to the entire galaxy. How far from the event horizon would a planet need to be to not be affected by changes in another planet's altered timeline?

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It depends on the interactions (or potential interactions) between that planet and other planets. If something happened to, say, the Remans the changes would mostly happen within the Romulan Empire.


Then again, if the Remans were a key part of the Romulan economy then this could affect the strength of the Empire and could affect it's diplomacy and war capabilities with the Klingons, Federation, etc.

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Very good point. That is illustrated in the VOY episode "Year of Hell"


Chakotay and Paris were to Avoid getting to the time ship. However they wanted to take away the comet as it made Voyager enter their space. However, if the comet was destroyed, all the systems would be unpopulated as the comet brought the necessary carbons and other elements and minerals necessary for life.....

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