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Chat Room Trivia Session #19

Recommended Posts's Official Star Trek Trivia

Chat Room Trivia Session #19

05/29/04 @ 4PM EST



Saturday we will be having the nineteenth Official Star Trek Trivia chat room session. I hope you come --- I look forward to it. :waaaa:



As the majority of you know, I will be gone June. I'll be gone for that whole month (hopefully not more then that). So have a great June everyone!



Master Q

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I WAS ASLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Commodore -Harry Kim-

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Turning The Internet Broadcasting Camera On (please wait)


--And NOW –


--From The Chat Room...--



Greetings and welcome to yet another exciting chat room trivia session!


As most of you know, I now only host the chat room trivia sessions. The message board trivia is now being hosted by Spacetigger. So I want to welcome him aboard, and wish him all the best of luck. However, not to fear --- once in a while I’ll chip into the message board’s official trivia. :naughty:


The new and improved trivia sessions will have a few more questions! I’m also starting from scratch, when it comes to taking some statistics.


Also, I hope all of you enjoyed the last Trek-News-Talk chat.



Let’s jump into the rules of this Star Trek Trivia’s Official Star Trek Trivia Regulations:


-First and foremost, get your minds to focus on the chat room. Then, be ready for me to ask a question. The first person to answer the question correctly will get two points.

-If you are the second person to answer a question correctly and answered it correctly, at practically the same time as the first person, you will also receive two points.

-If a question has a two(+)-part answer, then you must include those two(+) parts in your answer. You will *not* receive credit if you only include part of the answer. (This includes if you enter a reply w/ one part and enter again w/ another part.)

-Never ask for the next question (“nq”), period. I’ll ask the next question when I’m ready to. Please be patient.




Q1: In what episode did Wesley Crusher get promoted to acting ensign?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: "Where No One Has Gone Before"



Q2: On Voyager, it was stated that how many Starfleet starships witnessed a supernova?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: three



Q3: What does the abbreviation NGC stand for?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: New General Catalog (of nebulae and star clusters)



Q4: What device did Kirk steal from a Romulan ship in "The Enterprise Incident"?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: cloaking device



Q5: What song did the Doctor and Seven of Nine sing in “Someone to Watch Over Me?”

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: “You Are My Sunshine”



Q6: According to the Jem’Hadar, ___________ brings victory.

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: obedience



Q7: In “Voyager Home,” the “slingshot maneuver” was performed. What episode, prior to, used this maneuver?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: “Tomorrow Is Yesterday”



Q8: What food did Jadzia say would add years to Sisko’s life?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Azna



Q9: What was the name of Jake Sisko’s mother?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Jennifer Sisko



Q10: Who brought the Psi 2000 virus aboard the Enterprise? [Full Name!]

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Joe Tormolen



Q11: What is the name of the physiological change that makes women of Kes’s species ready to conceive a child?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Elogium



Q12: Who helped Wesley by saying that he, too, once failed Starfleet’s Academy test? [Full Name!]

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Jean-Luc Picard



Q13: In which TNG episode, were the Borg officially introduced?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: “Q Who?”



Q14: What is the “corbomite device”? What does it “do”?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: It is an imaginary device, in which Kirk used to bluff his way with Balok, the captain of the Fesarius. Kirk clamed it was part the Enterprise’s hull, which would cause the destruction of any vessel that destroyed the Enterprise (‘equal & opposite reaction’).


Kirk also used it in a bluff, when he was trying to escape from the Romulan Neutral Zone. He claimed that it would destroy all matter in a 2 x 10^5 KM [kilometer] radius.


(....You of course don’t need all of that info in your answer, to have received credit...)



Q15: Count the amount of “f’”’s are in the following: finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years.

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: 6



Q16: In trivia session #18, how was it different then a normal trivia session?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Hosted by Spacetigger, ENT questions



Q17: How many Federation assassins boarded Gorkon’s ship in “The Undiscovered Country”?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: 2



Q18: What was the name of the little girl that reminded Lwaxana Troi of her first daughter?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Hedril



Q19: Name two of the three crew members rescue Voyager in “Basics, Part II”?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: The Doctor, Paris, Lon Suder



Q20: Who did Picard draw a close personal bond to in “Star Trek: Insurrection,” on the Ba’ku planet?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Anij



Q21: True or False: The Ba’ku planet is located in the Briar Patch.

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: True



Q22: What is kanar?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Cardassian beverage



Q23: (You can only give one guess. The person who has the closest guess will receive credit)..... Approximately what is the overall length (meters) of the Enterprise-D?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: 641m



And **Now** An Activity!

~~Spock’s Brain Spill~~

In this game all of you are going to put your heads together and spill out your Star Trek knowledge!

Goal: To think up as many Star Trek alien species as possible...

If all of you think up 25 real (canon) Star Trek alien species, then all of you that helped brainstorm those aliens will receive 3 points!

Time Limit: 3.5 minutes, that’s it! So you all have to think fast!

Note: You guys are not going to do this in a specific sequence or order. Just shot your answers out (spill your brains out)...







Q24: Who was the daughter of Klingon Chancellor Gorkon?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Azethbur



Q25: By whom did Winn feel abandoned?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: the prophets



Q26: What is the name of Kirk’s son?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: David Marcus



Q27: In “Star Trek: First Contact,” into what were the Borg trying to transform the deflector dish into?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: An interplexing beacon (a subspace transmitter)



Q28: In “Walking Moments,” what image did Chakotay use to let himself know when he was dreaming?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: the moon (Earth’s moon)



Q29: What year did the TNG televisions series end?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: 1994



Q30: Out of the following which is not (if any) a Greek letter?: alpha, sigma, mu, kappa, nu, zeta, psi

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: All are Greek Letters*



Q31: The first time Mudd appeared, what alias did he use?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Leo Walsh



Q32: What killed Scott and then returned him to life?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Nomad



Q33: Fill in the two blanks: 2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; _; _; ...

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: 23; 29



Q34: In what episode does Q want Janeway to be the mother of his child?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: “The Q and the Gray”



Q35: In topology, a Möbius strip has how many sides?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: one



Q36: In “Thine Own Self,” what name was Data given on Barkon IV?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Jayden



Q37: On what planet was Farpoint Station built?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: Deneb IV



Q38: What does the NX designation on a ship mean?

Click for Spoiler:

Answer: It is an experimental prototype



Q39: Who did Uhura kiss in “Plato’s Stepchildren”?

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Answer: Kirk



Q40: What day is ENT being moved to?

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Answer: Friday




Master Q

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Prepare the gagh for the waiting party!!!

The Trivia Waiting (Party) Room...

*takes a handful of them live and starts to chew* Ah, good gagh, WEAREBORG <_<


Doubt that we will wait as long as the Chat Room - Trivia Session 17 TEAM-PLAY, 4/24/04 - 4:00PM (ET) one. <_<lastresort.jpg42.gif

The Adventures of

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did we ever find out the score for the chatroom?

When MQ returns he will take care of it. I've decided to wait until then since he is in charge of the Trivia Chat sessions..

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I will look through the transcript tonight..... tomorrow I will post the results.


My apologies.



Master Q

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Points Made:



























Master Q

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