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I'ver written my letters to UPN and I've even called the phone number but now I'm beginning to wonder if I want ENT to continue as I continue reading spoilers.


I was reading at Trek Today


Okay, T'Pol's a drug addict that nearly got the ship destroyed and they're apparently not even going to bat an eye about it. Unbelievable! Instead she and Trip have another roll in the hay....she's back in charge and he's back to being nothing but T'Pol's backdrop. (he's not even mentioned in notes for the rest of the season)


I've tried to tolerate T'Pol but drug addiction and losing crew members because of it is a pretty big foul up. I can't believe they're just going to shrug it off - that really bugs me. She should be relieved of duty if she's drug dependent.

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Ummmmmm, Trip has plenty to do the rest of the season. You haven't read the right spoilers. If you'll remember, advance spoilers for "Harbinger" didn't even mention him. You're sounding the alarm bell for nothing. The episode "Forgotten" is entirely Trip's episode. Morpheus did nothing but lavish it with praise and said that Connor does his best work so far.


I doubt Trip and T'Pol will be trysting in the middle of an emergency. Morpheus isn't exactly a gusher and she says Connor and Jo have some of the best scenes they've ever had all series long--very emotional. Confrontational, even. She's in a position to know as we all know. I never knew she was a chick, but life is full of surprises.

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Morpheus did nothing but lavish it with praise and said that Connor does his best work so far.

where do you read the Morpheus spoilers?

I doubt Trip and T'Pol will be trysting in the middle of an emergency. 

I was reading about a shower scene... It just bugs me that if anyone else did what she did (or according to spoilers will be doing ie the drug addiction) Archer would throw them in the brig

Edited by TheUnicornHunter

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Ok so first t'pol gets vulcan aids and now she is addicted to drugs. Man she is one screwed up vulcan.


But anyways if the entire next season is going to be around t'pols little drug addiction and her and trip in the shower doing something wrong. Well that is wrong and I might not even watch ENT anymore.

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Morpheus is an anonymous setsider who has visited the trektoday BBS for the last three seasons who won't identify herself. She can't, really. She loves being cryptic to keep people guessing, but in three seasons she has never gotten a single spoiler wrong. Morpheus hasn't been impressed with the writing the first two seasons and she doesn't get into the shipper wars at all. In fact, she loves to make fun of the the A/T'P vs. T/T'P debates on principle. She makes a point of saying that she doesn't like romance in Trek. That being said, the Morph lady has opined that the final six episodes are better than anything the staff has written to date and she's said over and over that Connor and Jo have some exceptional scenes in the next couple of eps--she says they aren't "exactly romantic"--but that Trip and T'Pol's scenes are "meaningful," "emotionally significant" and "very painful." She refuses to say whether or not the infamous "shower scene" mentioned by Billingsley in the Dreamwatch article is a sex scene, a dream, a brush off or what have you. She says we'll have to tune in to find out. She also keeps saying that Connor did some outstanding work in "The Forgotten," which airs after "Damage."


Don't watch at your own peril. Considering the existence of Lorian in E2 and how that episode must play out, I can see where the "painful" probably comes into play. :roflmao: As far as Archer throwing anyone in the brig, Morpheus implied, but refused to say outright, that Archer never finds out that T'Pol has an addiction.

Edited by MoulinRouge

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OMG, I am truly sorry I went over and read some of that. If Lorien is indeed who he is speculated to be....that's worse than a soap opera. OMG, now I'm really disappointed. Of course, I will watch just to find out.


Or we can hope it is one of those time travel things like that ep of VOY where Kes was married to Tom...hope, hope, hope

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Why is it worse than a soap opera? Morpheus said fans will probably find E2 heartbreaking in the extreme. He/she refuses to answer specifics on it because it will spoil the script, but Morpheus says it brought a tear to her eye. Think about it, to set things right.....


Click for Spoiler:

Archer (and Trip/T'Pol) will have to obliterate the existence of children and grandchildren they have met. Not potential offspring, but real people. Karyn Archer is Archer's granddaughter. Lorian is Trip's son. Morpheus refused to give plot details, but you can imagine how that would affect these two men. To not get trapped in the void and thrown into the past, they follow the advice of their descendants--descendants who know they'll cease to exist if the NX-01 is successful. Archer will erase the existence of a son and a granddaughter. He will probably never meet the alien woman with whom he would have had this son. Even if Trip and T'Pol get together and have a child--it won't be Lorian. It sounds god awful heartbreaking to me--not soap operaish. Not in the least. :roflmao:

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