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Posts posted by please delete

  1. hmm.. not allowed to use one... plus they when i'm in the room when my friends did one it kept asking for me to leave cause i was too 'holy' or had too much 'light' energy... plus the whole entrapment thing I don't like... and plus it's your body which is moving the dail... so if you are moving it, but you aren't making it move... then you have something in your head!.... I prefer to keep my head to myself and not let things take control of me... but then again there is temptation... i will most likely give in at some point and the board will most likely try to kill itself. And ben with the screaming thing, I don't think you should expermiment with burning it.

  2. I'm more of a muscian performer, but I do compose, I also paint water color and draw in ink and pencil, no good at art though but i've been able to sell water colors. i also write at times cause it's funnnnnnnnnn!.... I love my bass... i play contrabass (the big violin one) and the electric bass guitar... it's awesome!! and I get paid sometimes too...

  3. Worf FINALLY gets out the bat'leth


    hmmm after worf gets out the weapon of his choice the group of angry starfleet officers and cadets team up on wesley and corner the boy, beverly heavily sedated so she doesn't have to go through the torture of seeing her child die. picard with some french sword and others with phasers. wesley dies a slow painfull horrible death, even the vulcans join in.

  4. I mainly use my keyboard but in school sometimes we are forced to write in pencil or pen. i prefer pen over pencil and the pen i perfer is a foutain pen. i don't care what pencil i use as long as I have an eracer. but of everything I like to type, mainly because i can go back and edit, adding stuff in and taking stuff out. and people don't bug me about 'i can't read your handwritting'

  5. I've grown up eating meat... and even if i wanted to be a vegitarian or vegan i would be terribly teased by my father and he would cook my veggies along side his meat... eating animals doesn't bother me. animals eat other animals, so why shouldn't i eat an animal... after all humans are animals.

  6. Faye Wong-Eyes On Me(Final Fantasy VIII Theme)


    The final fantasy music is very cool, my friend forces me to play final fantasy VIII so manny times cause it's her favourite, then when i get tired of playing it she takes over and wants me to play it again for her...

  7. the neurazine dissapated after a while, that is before they shut the life support.


    hmm... but what about the Romulans? don't they breath when sleeping?



    i'm sure they return the life support to normal later, after all they only off it because they thought they need more power to the engines, since they didn't need it. I'm sure they return the power to the life support systems.


    or when the Multi Vector Assault Mode is annitiated, systems went to a default settings.





    I think romulans breath while sleeping... *puts creating oxygen thing to go into your lungs so you don't have to breath on invention to do list... puts it on invention failure list in advanced*