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Posts posted by WEAREBORG4102

  1. Well Some of us are not ENT bashers but disagree with the principle of the show: ratings.... We want somethingless contreversial. soething that cannot be disputed over... ENT is too contreversial! A lot of fans have grown old and have found ENT to be very care free with Canon. Interpretation of canon varies so a lot of people have avoided that show. Because of that a lot of the fan base ha gone away.... Like Startrek.com its lay out used to be sort of lcars. Unfortunately they turned to flash to make something flashy, new , and tacky.... Berman and Braga were alright until DS9 came around. They rewrote the scripts a little to much that irritated me. It really got annoying when ENT rolled around. At first I thought it was going to be a serious series with a mix of continuity and debate. But then I saw the ship. Then I thought uh-oh big screw up: Akira class in the 22nd century. that really turned me off. Soon after I found Starfleet involved. I got really turned off when I saw the photon torpedoes introduced and the "phase pistols and phase cannons" really ticked me off. I didn't like the introduction of the Klingons and the Vulcans as a pessimistic species. Furthurmore the intro of the Ferengi, a species shrouded with mystery even in Picard's era. What realy turned me off is the contact with the Romulans. The Romulan war is supposed to start in about 5 years from the current episode of ENT right. Well we've really only seen the Romulans once. How could you meet and have first contact and have war in 5 years? I mean you only acheived warp five and the romulans don't have warp!!!!! What really got me is how many times you can actually fire a weapon around the warp Core!!!!!! That's just wrong. You hear in FC Picard saying not to hit the Warp core because it will explode right. You see in multiple episodes that the security officers fire weapons everywhere near the warp core.

  2. ENT is a copy of TNG and VOY spliced together... It's bad! I mean the next episode is a big rip of "One" (VOY) where Seven of Nine is alone on a ship passing through a radioactive nebula who she can only go through... She's the only one who can wake them... She has hallucinations of aliens and crew members..... Wow we can see the resemblance already!!!!!! The Xindi are just a big rip off of Borg vs. VOY!!!!

    We capture Degra.... Voyager gets seven of NINE!!!!! Can some one see the resemblence? Why????

  3. Well the bad thing is that ENT doen't develop the character traits of some good actors while really screwing around with Star Trek canon... There is no continuity with this series and TOS... Can you name one? trek was never about ratings so why now???? We did fine when we developed the characters, explored humanity, and space. Why not now? Can't we just get back to what Gene wanted us to do? Every show has a theme. TOs and TNG explored humanity to a point... Ent is hollow as it doesn't explore anything... The whole 3rd season is about revenge. What type of theme is that? The Whole season, It is aparent who we are dealing with the Xindi. It tells about ecverthing except where the weapon is. They are shrouded in mystery while bein revealed out in the open. That is a paradox in itself. TNG introduced the Borg at first naming them revealing little. they developed them very subtley finding destroyed colonies here and there. That came out great! But no we reveal everything about the Xindi and then find we have a mystery that's just stupid! I mean a sixth grade english teacher could come up with better character development than that. You don't see Travis Mayweather developed! Bu you see even the smallest charcter developed in TOS and TNG. Wesley he almost destroyed the ship! So are you going to do anything about a helmsman that's saving your butt all the time? Nothing! What about Hoshi Sato? No character development! They all seem to have no personalities!!!

    Why change the good? I'd rather watch VOY!

  4. But they're no holding their own series continuity.... Their episodes don't flow with each other..... It's too broken... There's no sense of connection tot he future Starfleet.... It's not what origanlly what they said it was going to be.... I know things change but the themes of a show shouldn't.... I mean we're selling out to sex.... I mean T'pol shouldn't be kissing... She should be using her fingertips....

  5. BORG Helloo...... Borg can hold own against a 39 Star Fleet ships...... I mean come on......... The thing has adaptive shielding..... It would probably take the Scimitar down in less tahn seen minutes. Remeber the Voyager episode with 8472? The thing can fire tropedoes while spinning.... And remember..... They can transport..... Borg strategy: take down enemy shield system or adapt to it...... Then transport onto scimitar...

    assmilate crew and computer core......

    shut down weapon.....

    One borg drone can start the assimiation of a whole entire ship......

    They can change the lighting for all I care.....

    They are going to win.....