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Posts posted by ILIKESEVEN

  1. Well "ILS thinks" well i think this will be the end of my career in Starfleet, :look: soon as we get back to earth the judges will have me for breakfast, and Jeanway probable will see me hang, i think everybody on the ships will see me hang but i am glad it is all over i will do my time in a penal-colony, probable the one on

    Garrell-4 :bow: that is were they send the worst criminals and traitors :angry: , aah diner is being served probable chicken again <_<

  2. We'll get you hangon. You will be shaved. As the Borg say "Resistance is futile". Mwaa Ha Ha Ha Ha.  :hug:  ;)  :)  :flowers:

    I always had the idea that girls where from another planet now i get it your all borg one mind and all that,your evil plans of world domination will not be a success...well not in a ship with "sink to knees carpets" :hug: and fluffy wallpaper.....hmm that could be handy we have run out of toilet paper on our ship..*tears off 2m bit of fluffy wallpaper*...MUAAAHHH

    Hangon opens the door to the toilet but suddenly he sees ILS sitting on it :eek: "hey Hangon my friend, soory the toilets on our ship are stil to dirty to sit on so i beamed in here"

    No worries my friend i will wait until you are finished, and here you have some toiletpaper" Hangon handsover a piece off wallpaper to ILS

    "Thanks hang"

    Hangon closes the door and thinks"o man what a smell what did that guy eat last night" :blink:

  3. ILS was sitting in the brig (again) and was boring his head off.

    Siting on the bed with his head in hands leaning on his knees when suddenly ensign Wind stood before the forcefield and said "well ILS you know the drill step back in your cell with your head facing the wall" in one hand he held his phaser and in the other he had a tray with food.

    "And don,t try anything funny my friend this time it is not on stun"

    ensign boots who stood behind the controldesk lowered the field and ensign wind stepped in with the Food and putted on the little sidetable, he stepped out of the brig again facing ILS who still faced the wall.

    Ensign Wind noodged to Ensign Boots who inmediatly activated the field again.

    "Bon appetit ILS, you can turn around now"

    I turned around and walked to the table were my foods was, i looked at it and said"Not again! replicated chicken again?, you know i hate chicken and rice that food always give me the you know what!!"

    The two ensigns looked at each other and started to laugh.

    "Well food is food and i am starving"

    ILS started to eat his food"aaah man it is really disgusting"i walked over to the toilet and dropped the rest of the food in it, and flushed it.


    I sat down on the bed again when a strange feeling in my stomage appears "hmm must be the hunger i believe".

    But the feeling turned in to pain and i started to rub my stomage, i started to shiver a little and after a few seconds i was crawling on the floor because of the pain "hey guys, help me get....get the doctor inhere i am really feeling bad.

    "the two ensign see ILS on the floor of his cell and ensign Wind yelled at him"Yeah right, nice try ILS but you will not fool us again, damn you,r a good actor" both ensign,s started to laugh.


    after one minute my entire body was shaking and everything in my body was hurting bad i tried to get up and started to walk to the field "HELP ME I AM NOT kidd...." the last words he could,nt speak because he had to cough and from his mouth came allot of blood, and not only from his mouth also from his nose, his skin began to color deep gray and the white of his eye,s turned yellow, he tried to walk but he fell and he fell against the forcefield "aaaarrrggggggggggg......"


    The two ensign were shocked of what happened"what...what the h..."

    Ensign wind tappet his combadge and tried to contact worf

    "ensign Wind to Worf" "mr. Worf respond please there is something going on in the brig, and something is wrong with ILS, Please contact Sickbay!!"

  4. The door chimes opens and Jeanway enters the detentionblock

    "at ease gentelman" she says, she walks directly to Worf and asks "how is he doing?"

    "He is still asleep ma'am, do you want me to wake him up?"

    "Yes, i want to talk to him" Worf walks to the brig and in a loud voice he says"WAKE UP ILS, THE ADMIRAL WANTS TO TALK TO YOU"

    Jeanway walks to the forcefield and sees how ILS tries to get up and when he looks at her here eyes become large and she turned to Worf "OMG what happened to him, his face is full of bruces"

    "I told you ma'am he fell off the bed"

    "Well howmanytimes did he fell, 8 times or so?!" "well eehh ma'am eeh" "stop, nevermind i don,t want to hear it"

    Jeanway turns to ILS äre you very hurt do you have a lot of pain" I shook my head "no ma'am it is not so bad anymore, just some muscles which ar a little stiff"

    "Well i hope you feel better becouse i readed the mesage you brought me and it is all cleare for me now but i need your help you are the only contact between them and us so you have to come with me now"

    She turns to worf and ordered him to lower the shield

    "But ma'am do you think it is save to do that?"

    "Lower the shield Worf i know what i am doing, i need him how and besides he is no threat anymore, he is our important links now, i will take him first to sickbay and let him examend by Phlox he will have to take those bruces away"

    "Ofcourse ma'am, i wil lower the field"

    "Come one ILS we have First Contact to make, i need you in good shape lets go see the Doc."

    ILS follows jeaneway through the door into the corridor.


    After they left the detentionblock and walked 15 yards ILS asks Jeanway "What was the mesage anyway?"

    Jeanway turns around and said "Listen ILS i am not jeanway, she is now occupied and is solving a problem with engenering, i sabotaged the warpcore so she will be busy for a while"

    Jeaneway(or who ever she is) opend a door and pulls ILS into the room.

    "here take this(she gives a the bracelet and a Pad and somesort of tricorder)put on the bracelet you know how it works, i can,t stay long Worf will be suspicious soon, i can only tell you this yuo have to get cloaked and hide yourself in the jeffriestubes again(she takes a hypospray and ejects with ILS a stranges feeling serum) in exactly 60 minutes you press the blue button and you will be transported than to the HT 01, on the place you will materialice you will find another Padd, on this Padd you wil find your new Instructions, this will be your last mission you must not fail, if you succeed you will be given asylum to our people and you will know who is the father of the child Seska is carieing, but i must go now Goodluck"


    Suddenly she was gone, i stood in the room a minute or 2 just realising what heapend but then i put on the bracelet and activated the cloak.

    I opend the door and looked if anybody was there, when i saw nobody i ran to the nearest hatch and opend it, i craweld into the tubes closed the hatch and all i could do was waiting.


    "Jeanway to Worf"

    "yes ma'am"

    "I will be there in ten minutes, i was hold up in engenering, you can wake up ILS already i you please"


    "But ma'am" Worf looks to his ensign and yells "RED ALLERD, RED ALLERD"

  5. Seska started to cry after what ILS to her Said, she turned around and walked to the forcefield, "worf please let me out i can,t stay here anymore" Worf lowered the field and Seska walked crying from the brig too the door, she turned around one more time and looked at ILS and started to cry more, she left the room and walked to the turbolift.


    Worf activated the the field and said to ILS, "You are a heartless human, you have no respect for woman and you have no Honor, you stupid K'taghl"


    "aah shut up you big fat brainless klingon, go catch so G'agh"ILS replied.


    Worf turned around and walked to the other guard, he gave him his phaser and said, "here keep and eye on this and look the otherway, and don,t pay attention about what is going to happen now.

    "Yes sir"the guard replied.


    Worf walked to the brig and lowerd the forcefield and stepped inside.

    after 5 minutes he stepped outside again and activated the field, he turned to the guarde who gave back his phaser again, worf asked him "Did you hear anything ensign?"

    "No sir i heard nothing, was there anything to heare than?"

    "Hmm, i will probebly discus with Jeanway about you and a possible promotion for you"

    "Thank you sir"


    "Jeanway to Worf" worf tappes his badge and awnsers"Yes Maám"

    "how is our prissanor doing, is he not givving any problem?"

    "No Ma'am no problem at all, Why"

    "Well i just spoke to Seska and she is very upsett about the matter"

    "Ma'am he is quiet, very quiet"worf looks at the other guard with a smile.

    "Fine, i will come later to ask ILS some questions"

    "Well ma'am it might be better to wait a day, he is alittle ill"

    "ooh what is the matter then?"

    "Well ma'am he fell a little odd from his bed"

    "Shall i call sickbay for you than?"

    "No ma'am that will not be nesecery, he will be fine i a few day,s"

    "Okey than, Jeanway out"


    Worf puts his arms aroud his chest and starts to guarde ILS again.