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Posts posted by Rivendells_king

  1. See and when the people get over thier past they die!!! And than they open their eyes and than they hear Bonjour ! accueillir à heven ! so I think the drugie is going to die because he is getting over his drugs and will forgive his older brother for what he did than they will get stabed in the eye by a toucan and he will die a slow painful death.


    Than the prisonir chick! than the weird red neck.

  2. ¡El Día feliz del Muerto! Today in central america the cultures celebrate and remeber their dead one's. Very interesting holiday or cultural event I think. They make shrines, and food and skeletons and sugar skulls :flex: ¡Muy bien! *very good* and they dance and have fun.

  3. Um I think that private schools are ok because most people send their students to public schools making only those who can afford private schools to be able to send their kids to them. What would happen if the public system was privatized? Wouldn't more students need to go to private schools destroying the theory that private schools have smaller classes and teachers can give one on one attention?

  4. I also think they should require one Forgien language like spanish, seen that soon spanish will become our countrys number one language. Maybe its just me but I like learning other languages and cultures. And also schools should weed out the slakers and not allow them any places to go because they are to lazy to do their homework. Like having these academic assistance programs which only slakers go into. That is dumb I hate the idea. Maybe they should raise the standards before placing students in Special education *SPED* Its pretty sad when I'm stuck in a SPED class with these students that are lazy and have "issues" and I am on the honor roll and student council.

  5. I think Privatizing schools is a bad idea. I think it would separate students from other cultures or ethnic groups *could be wrong* I had a really bad experience with a private school, instead of helping me the teachers were only concerned about basketball and if I went to church or not almost failed 8th grade year.


    I am going to agree with TUH for a better education the changes need to start at home. Parents should start cracking down on their kids teaching them manners and respect. I have been stuck with some of the rudest students ever for classes and they never showed respect to anybody. Their attitude did not affect them only but it also affected me as well.


    I also think that schools should at least require their students to either be in a extra curricular sport or in a art program like choir or band.


    Thats just what I think.

  6. I think it is a combination of all 3. Locals celebrated it and when catholicism came some times the priests or who ever try to celebrate some holidays to make the transition from pagenisism to christanity easier by combining them with some of their holidays, like days of the dead in mexico, aztecs celebrated it and the catholic missonairs combined some christian aspects along with pagen things.

  7. October 25th 2004


    A famous murder suspect is on trial and the jury goes to visit the suspects home. The suspect gets killed and a jury member has a seizure. CSI finds a old man that died literally from been scared to death. A jury member killed the suspect because he was ticked off because he lost his job from been on the jury. The old man was shot with a paint ball gun by ray juniors friends I think. And the murder suspect was not the person who killed the victim it was his child.


    Very weird and scary thats all I can say.