Lady Luthien

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Posts posted by Lady Luthien

  1. Uhm my passion has always been Ballet,ive done it for 10 years now but i found out last year that I wasnt good enough to become a proffesional ballet dancer(which was my dream) and I was too fat.

    That was hard to hear but im over it a little.

    Next year Im gonna start ballet lessons again but then just for fun bcuz i know now i will never be good enough.

    And uhm other passions of me are drawing,Lord of the Rings and Orlando Bloom!*drool*

  2. Okay I am a huge horror/gothic fan and I was watching I still Know What You did Last Summer and there is this obnoxious I would like to kick his *buttocks* kinda hotel owner and I am listening to his voice.


    I sit and think to myself erm I know this voice. And so everytime he pops up I am getting bugged by it. And then I twig who it was..................


    JEFFEREY COOMBS only he was playing a guy not too disimilar to shran, which is how I pegged it. I began watching his face. And he did the Shran movements where he is all sarcastic and wheedly.


    Sry Just a random announcements.


    So I am gonna make this a thread on where you saw a trek actor in something you least expected!

    Hi there :naughty:


    I'm a bit of a fan of Boston Public. I had just started watching it one night when the opening credits came on and then it went to the first scene. The guest actors were being listed and then Armin Shimerman came up as one of the guest actors!! I said to my flatmate "Hey, Quark is in this episode!!" She said "Indeed" Later in the episode, Armin turned up (without his Ferengi makeup) but he still sounded like Quark and it was great to see him as a normal person lol.


    Madam Captain out!!

    Oooh and I forgot to mention that Jeri Ryan is in Boston Public as well!She does a great job there!

  3. I usually have the tv on as background noise and sometimes I watch programs but my computer and MSN are always on so I talk to pple and i watch tv at the same time.

    I usually watch NET 5 thats a dutch channel that broadcasts good shows like E.R,Gilmore Girls,Strong Medicine,Star Trek Voyager,Boston Public etc those are my favourite shows and those I do watch all the time.