
Ships Crew
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Posts posted by ensign_ro

  1. i can remeber the first day i came in i thought it was so cool. it was my first chat site, and i remeber i liked tom for some reason (tom emporor of the romualn empior) <--ya i know cant spell but what ever* i also remeber all the great battles and the fun we would have there. like when i was chased up a holo tree.. and the pool.. hm the pool was so fun... *looks around * hehe *pushes who into the pool and runs*

  2. well.. first i would tie troi to a chair and eat chocolate infront of her for all the stupid things shes said, then i would some how get wesley shoved down a garbage shoot and listen to him scream all the way down till he vaporizes, then i would rub picards head for good luck and run like heck, then i would put itching powder in worfs bed then i would get a pet tribble and put it under his bed so all night he would hear this "squeak squeak!" and then i would hit on riker and then eventually i would get a nameless ensign to shine my shoes!! oh, then i would get into picards ready room and smear chocolate all over everything, and smear cheese wiz under his desk!! and no one would know it was me..