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Posts posted by jaina27

  1. McCoy' s a given, but how about Dr. Christine Chappell?  She got her M.D. before The Motion Picture.

    Oh come on!!! ;) We all know her as the beloved nurse, not a Doctor. :rofl:








  2. Dr. McCoy, no doubt!!! :rofl:


    Favorite Quote: "He's dead, Jim."



    The Voyager doc is my next favorite (favorite doc ep: "Message in a Bottle")


    I like Dr. Bashir alot, but I have not seen enough of DS9 to make a true judgement about him. I do hope someday to own all of the series on DVD (ie. when my rich uncle gets out of the poor house or those sets come down to about $15-$20 :blink: )







  3. Click for Spoiler:

    the Warp attempt made T'pol acting more like a dumb blonde (no offense to Jolene Balock who really is a blonde...maybe not a dumb one..but a blonde)



    Click for Spoiler:

    Making T'Pol look like a dumb blonde during the warp attempt only proved even more that she was just a hallucination. The REAL T'Pol would not have been so ditsy.







  4. Click for Spoiler:

    I wasn't too impressed when I saw the previews for it. I thought "Oh great, copying a Voyager epsiode." In many ways, it was similar to the Voyager Episode (Was it called "One"? *checks Star Trek database* I guess it was!:lol:) Anyway, it wasn't that bad. I was a little suspicous of T'Pol being awake. After all, it was never stated that she would remain awake, and why would Phlox need to know how to take care of the ship if T'Pol was going to be there? They kept dropping clues that she was just a hallucination. I mean, why would Phlox be walking around naked if T'Pol was there? And would T'Pol really be that stupid in an emergency situation? (like that whole Engineering scene and Phlox trying to take the ship to warp) Not a bad episode, but they REALLY do need to get the story moving back to the Xindi. Next week's mutiny episode reminds me of another Voyager episode, "Worst Case Scenario"......guess we'll see what happens with this one....








  5. You said Jim: "the Ballistic Missile Submarine's basic overall design would be nearly Ideal, I think. there are many things in a Ballistic Missile Submarine that lend it to being used as a space ship. Number one is it's design. relatively easy to build, it is essentially a long tube. many things found on SSBNs, such as the Sonar Array and weapons systems, could be removed, providing space for criticals such as food. the Missile Tubes could be replaced with a holding space for a Mars Lander, and also escape pods. the Engines would probably be either a Nuclear Rocket, or an Ion Engine. Neither consumes great deals of fuel. electricity could be provided by Solar Arrays. the Arrays could be fitted to the craft's exterior hull. what is your opinion and idea for a design?"



    Well, I have it on good authority that women are not allowed aboard submarines. :o If this ship is based off of a submarine's design, then everything will be tight, close. And a "submarine in outerspace" is pretty much the same idea as one in the sea. Wouldn't we run into the same problems as a vessel buried in the ocean waters? I mean with having women on board...




