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Posts posted by LordOfTheBorg

  1. Nope,i live in a vally kind of thing... i am surrounded by mountains, so we never get earthquakes here... i have had a couple of tremors though, as the North atlantic fault or whatever its called (off the coast of BC) is less a province near to me.. so like maybe 1200km or so. The only thing that can really affect me here are forest fires. we can't get tornadoes (not big ones), earthquakes, or really anything else.

  2. Ok, if you look at the puppy as it is flying through the air, it is easy to see that it is not moving its paws at all. And i take this firsthand, as sometimes i get mad at annoying dogs and throw them.. when flying through the air they do move a lot.. also, the whines just don't seemt o fit the video... and when it hits the ground there isn't any dust cloud.. and it also just seems to "Disappear" into the ground... ehhhh, what say you

  3. As far as i am concerned, this movie is a fake. The dog was not trying to run in the air, as it would do if it were thrown. Also, the dog doesn't move at all through the whole movie. and if you look after he throws it, as it is flying threw the air, it moves wrong. it goes end over end, instead of flying sideways, upways, downways, anyways... a real dog would move itself around quite a bit, not just stay still, especially if it was a puppy. Also, i can't see its eyes... to me, i think its fake.