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Posts posted by LordOfTheBorg

  1. Yeh, but people paid more money for the cell phone.. A movie costs like, what.. 20-30 bucks after everything? cell phone costs upwards of 200 bucks, at least for the good kind. Now, i have to say.. i have to been to toooooons of movies, and not once have i ever heard anyone talking on their cell phones.. and you know what, if you have a problem with someone talking on their phone, GO AND TELL THEM THAT.. don't just sit there being like "oh, my.. someone should do something about that" or "hey, i know, lets turn on an illegal electronic device and shut down the potentially important conversation! that seems to work". And don't say im rude. There are a lot of older people who talk on phones too. And a lot of older peopel are ruder then the young kids.

  2. yeh, i think cell phone jammers are possibly the dumbest thing i have ever heard.. what if ur watching a movie, and all of a sudden your parent gets in a serious accident, and they call you to coem to the hospital to see them one last time... and, oh wait, there is a cell phone jammer on, and the call cannot go through, and your parent dies and you didn't even know it.. how would you feel? I'd punch the guy in the neck who had th ecell phone jammer...

  3. Yah, but we had no business even being in the war... we were just backing britain up, and in my opinion, it was ridiculous... if you read up on it, we lost around 60,000 troops in the war, which was horrible!!!! and a lot of women at home where mentally harmed because they had to work in arms factories, and they would become unstable after thinking about how they might not have checked certain shells and such..

  4. Hey ya'll. I haven't been around very often, but my socials teacher asked me a very interesting question. We are doing history of Canada and such, and she asked "should Canada have implemented conscription during world war one?" I figured this would be an interesting questions to ask the board, and so have put it on here. now, i know there is a majority of americans, but you can answer tooo, but i figure i'd ask the canadians here... What does everyone think? and yes, conscription was implemented, in 1917 just before the war ended in 1918. Thank Robert Borden for that one.


    - Your Friendly Neighbourhood Wally.

  5. Well, seeing as there are no homeless people around here i can't do anything like that. In everyday life, i try to be a good person. If my friends were thinking of doing something stupid then usually i talk them out of it, especially if it could result in serious injury or jail time. Usually though, i don't go out of my way to do good deeds. If something is presented before me, i will do/help out, but other then that.

  6. Interesting theories... Of course, you have to think- if the Q are our future, why is it that they never did anything to help, with anything? Why did they always just play with us?

  7. Ok, now i know there has been a lot of discussions about phasers, but seriously, it is interesting. I was reading an interesting article about a place in the middle east, that is a training ground for a US (lets not get into a big discussion about this) and at this place, there is actually fake weapons that shoot lasers thata computer attached to the troops vehicles and their body, and it actually reactes to the laser and acts as if the person has "died" i wonder if this could be applied and then turned around and actually made into a real phaser?


    Comments anyone?

  8. Well, for those keeping count, this it what, the fifth time i've said im back? i swear man, i leave fora while, then come back. Its kind of a love-hate relationship! (JK, this place is great). Of course,when i get back, the first thing i see is... serial killers joining the board!:blink: JK again! But seriously, the first thread i seen was a religious thread, and then i learn that there is an actual forum for religious threads. This site was great back in the day, about a year ago or so, but now it's kind of gone downhill. Don't get me worng, i don't mind discussing religion,but this is STARTREKFANS.net, not RELIGIOUSDISCUSSIONS.net. I think we should have more star trek related threads not started by Vic, and less religious threads. Anyways, thats about all for me. If you guys want to get in touch with me when im not on this board, check out faass24@hotmail.com (always looking for contacts, not matter who!)

