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Posts posted by t'mir

  1. Ok!!! The moment we've all (not really, lol) been waiting for! I finally added my own personal photo. I'm trying to decide between this one, more pensive looking, or my other one, which has a bigger smile but makes be look a lot younger. Enjoy! :lol:



    ~T ;)

  2. Let's see.....


    I guess I do. I like clothes that are unusual, like you wouldn't see them on other ppl. Esp. when it comes to shoes.... I have orange pumas, blue suede loafers, red bowling shoes with a "99" on the side, and I used to have green Vans but my mom threw them away when I went out of town!!!!! :hug: I also have a bright orange t-shirt with mr. T on the front, and "I pity the fool!" on the back. I only wear it at home, though!!! lol. I have quite a few other odd articles of clothing but you don't want to be bored with that, do you? :lol:



    Later, T ;)

  3. to ed, and bysty, and Nemesis, who have all been going back and forth with me in debates, you probably wonder "Why in the hell doesn't this guy give up?" the answer is because in each of the debates I've gone on with you guys about, I've been defending my own personal beliefs. conceding a point to me is like saying "Okay, you win, I will give up a part of myself because you don't agree with my opinion"

    How 'bout me, Jim? We had a few debates going at... that other place. :lol: Just a word, though... it takes a strong person to hold fast to their side in a debate, but sometimes, it takes a heck of a stronger person to admit that their wrong. It's not saying "I'm giving up a part of myself to say that you're right," it's more so saying "You have brought up another point of view that I never considered. You are right; I am wrong in this". Sometimes you will earn ppls respect more from saying you were wrong then for being stubborn even when you are wrong. See? Anyways, that's just me... I'm probably starting a new debate as we speak!!! :hug:;)

  4. What I want to know is, if I were to use a real personal photo of me, would you actually look at it? I dunno... like RikerChick, I like to put a face to the name of other ppl, and when I think about it that way, I wonder if I should. It just didn't really occur to me before that other people would wonder what I look like. What do you all think?



    ~T'mir :da-boot: