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Posts posted by vcoolio

  1. Master Q,


    The distance A-B does not change; constant acceleration (sorry for using the word "speed"). No the equation did not show.


    So if distance A-B does not change, acceleration is constant, time taken decreases, have we created another paradox as this example would not create an asymptote for the object would eventually meet itself and would no longer fit into Zeon's Paradox?



  2. Master Q,


    If the distance between two points, A and B, is kept constant but the speed at which an object (or person) travels this same distance between these two points, gradually increases (meaning that the time taken to travel this constant distance A-B gradually decreases), what happens at the point where the object/person arrives at B at the point of leaving A? Will the object/person then be time travelling?

    This has bugged me since Primary School. Please enlighten me!

