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Posts posted by MrPsychic

  1. Well, the Generations uniform, with the black uniform and department colour at the top is classified as a jump suit. The two reasons why Voyager went with that uniform is that they weren't expecting a long mission, just go to the badlands, and the FC uniforms didn't exist yet. Also, on DS9, the first seasons seemed that the Federation was just fixing up the station and being there to prevent the Cardassians from getting all uppity and reoccupying Bajor. Therefore, they just needed a basic uniform. Once First Contact was done with, and the increasing threat of the Dominion, the Federation knew that they must stay on DS9 for their survival, so the crew got the new uniforms as duty uniforms.

  2. I think the NX-03 should be called the Yorktown, the name has been used so many times in Star Trek. Either that, or call it one of the names of the Constitution ships, like Lexington or Constellation.

  3. Star Trek Universe Reason- the uniforms change to reflect the times, like the FC Uniforms look more militeristic, since they're fighting a war


    Real World Reason- to suit the actors needs and also to just be different for the big screen

  4. I'd raither have a smaller ship, than a huge large capital ship, like a Galaxy or Soverign class. It's faster, and it's also much more manueverable. If you get decent weapons on a ship that's harder to hit, you have a much larger advantage than say, a large gunship, like an Akira

  5. In one of the original epsiodes I think it's "Tomorrow is Yesterday" Kirk says that he's from Alpha Centauri, but in Star Trek  IV he tells Dr. Taylor that he's from  Iowa.

    Kirk says that to just mess with the guys mind..and yes, he's from Iowa.